Counterpoint: Are Ghosts Compatible with Christian Faith
Usually, I like to stick to my own ramblings in the supernatural. But I have been struggling with how to address the issue of the Christian ghost hunting without coming off and sounding like a pompous condescending scholar on a BBC television show. I wrestled for sometime on how to write this article without offending the intended audience. How do you reach neutral ground on a tough subject and not make people upset or angry about their beliefs? What finally hashed out is this article. I don't usually address other people's work in my adventures and ramblings, but it makes sense to do so in this case. On the Paranormal Warriors of St. Michael website Fr. Bob Bailey has written an article on “ Are Ghosts Compatible With ChristianFaith? ”. I will use this article to write a counterpoint using the arguments and facts presented by Fr. Bob Bailey to bring to light some critical points in theology on this matter. Let's open with Fr. Bob Bailey's paragraph to keep his...