Burning Man 2010

Yes, Lisa and I went to Burning Man this year. Lisa pulled her trailer all the way out to the Black Rock desert of Nevada and we met up with a team of prophetic people, assembled by Cindy McGill of Hope For the Harvest. The team members came from different regions of the US, California, Texas, Utah, Arizona, Minnesota, Washington, Tennessee, North Dakota and New Mexico. Many of us had never met each other before. There was instant bonding and cohesion from our initial meeting.

So why were preachers of the Gospel at Burning Man? Simple, it is an event where, over 51000 young people and some old gather for one week during the year and eager to experience things they don't normally experience at home. For one week a year, Burning Man is the third largest city in Nevada, see this satellite photo. Anything they want is there for the asking at Burning Man. And many of them, if you would believe it, are asking for a deep spiritual experience. Did we encounter deviance at Burning Man? Yes, we did. But Burners also encountered the Holy Spirit here. And the encounters were powerful and life changing.

A video by Brian Hestley of the Lounge Team 2010 in action -and goofing off.

Taste and see that the Lord is good.

Our camp at Burning Man was the Lounge. Many burners entered our large tent that was filled with the presence of God. They came in ordering off the menu, various items as spiritual alignment, spiritual destiny, purity, dream interpretation and a spiritual encounter. Many people visiting the Lounge wanted a spiritual cleansing, spiritual alignment or a dream interpretation. But they always received a spiritual encounter as a bonus gift from the Father. 

We had white witches, Reiki, New Age and yoga practitioners get touched by the love of the Father who created them.  Some people with costumes, some people with little clothes or none at all were touched by heaven.

Many people the Father touched personally and deeply were people who would get yelled at on the streets by angry misguided Christians with bullhorn pulpits yelling out their sins to them. Here God met them on their terms and removed the pains of their hearts.

Many attending Burning Man are already deep spiritual people and spirituality is the focus of their lives. When these people went into overload with a mind blowing experience they would ask what is this practice or what is they are feeling right now? And we would answer, it is Jesus. One of the funnier encounters, we had a young lady from the theme camp next to us get such a powerful encounter with Jesus, when she was leaving, she staggered out of our tent.

Burning Man is a congregation of people seeking deeper spirituality and many of them left the church to seek their spirituality. What they never knew was the touch from God. Some even received songs from God from the Lounge's own Freedom Daisy Sunshine (one of the traditions on the Playa is to make up a Playa name for Burning Man). Calib a prophetic flag dancer from Extreme Prophetic set people free with interpretations and movement from the Holy Spirit. Merry Bruton gave incredible dream interpretations. There were a lot of incredible people on the team. I had the pleasure to work with each and every one of them. We were a different kind of team that impacted every person we met. You'll find no tracks in our tent! It was all personal touches from God.

Some Stories from the Lounge

Samantha the Artist

I don't recall what day this was. I would guess it was either Wednesday, September 1 or Thursday, September 2, at Burning Man. Marilyn and I were in the tent in the early afternoon ministering to the people off and on who were wandering in. We were wrapping up ministering to one person when a woman, whom I first thought was a skinny guy, a seventies disco 'stache', with no shirt on, wearing only suspenders and hot pants, entered the tent and took a seat. Bizarre dressing was the norm in burning man. As the person we were ministering with got up to leave I walked over and introduced myself to what I thought was a guy. Only after looking at the bare chest I realized the guy was really a gal, - Lord have mercy, sporting a fake mustache.

We seated the woman in the ministry area, Marilyn and I introduced ourselves. The woman introduced herself as Samantha. I immediately picked up on Samantha's artistic side and that she painted or made things with her hands. That was one of her gifts. Samantha confirmed she was an artist -an interior designer and loved to make things, especially redecorate. God also kept showing me Christmas trees which I couldn't figure out until He showed me a lot of green things in the prophetic. I asked Samantha what was special about the color green in her life. She said green was her favorite color and she owned a really old green truck. Little by little Marilyn and I were getting favor with Samantha. I believe Marilyn asked Samantha what she would like to have from the menu. Samantha requested the spiritual alignment.

Then Samantha asked us about our meditation and chanting. Marilyn told her we did things differently and that we talked to THE creator. And Marilyn asked her to hold her hands out and ask the spirit of Truth to come. Samantha did very willingly. I told Samantha I needed to step behind her and lay my hands on her back, primarily her spine. And she gave me the permission to do so. The Holy Spirit told me to pull off the serpent at the base of her spine. I did so, covertly behind her, without her seeing or feeling me, and watched as her back arched as I pulled the serpent off the base of her spine. Marilyn continued leading Samantha through her Holy Spirit experience.

Todd the Iraq War Vet 

A little after Samantha left, Marilyn and I were sitting in the tent chatting. A man, in his early 30's, comes into the tent. He is limping, is walking with a cane, and asks if we don't mind if he can come in and just sit for a moment. The heat was getting to him and he was in pain. Marilyn and I soon found out this man was an Iraq war vet, his spiritual views were that he was an atheist, and yet he was curious about our own spiritual beliefs. He introduced himself, his name was Todd, and he fired some tough questions to Marilyn about how come dogs don't have souls and we do. We arrived at a juncture where we thought we had nothing to offer Todd in the Lounge. Then Todd told us he was in pain because of his injury from the war. Marilyn and I had the same thought. We wanted to pray for healing for Todd.

Todd was actually very open to having us pray for him. We had total favor in the Father's presence. Todd proceeded to tell us what happened. His group was out on patrol and an ied (improvised explosive device) went off directly underneath his Humvee. The armor stopped the shrapnel, but the percussion forced up through the vehicle shattering his bones and ringing his ears. They were under fire and Todd ran with his team from the vehicle, 9 miles, dragging his shattered leg and dropping what ever he could to make it back to base. He spent nearly a year in various military hospitals to get to his current physical condition. He was still in a lot of pain. His left foot was still a mess and some bones weren't aligned as they should be.

Melody (Freedom Daisy Sunshine) entered the tent and started to pray with us. Melody stood at his back, Marilyn sat by his side, and I kneeled at his legs, from the knees down to pray for him. I tried to quietly pray with authority, but I felt God kept calling on Jesus and the Holy Spirit from my mouth. I didn't want to sound too religious as I prayed. Marilyn heard me mumbling and asked me to speak louder as I prayed. So I figured what the heck, God wants Todd to hear me pray for him with authority. I ordered healing in Todd's body in the authority of Jesus Christ. I asked the Holy Spirit to come and heal him and make him whole. I know Melody was praying over Todd. But I was fixed on pulling healing from heaven just as the rest of the team was. I started breaking off curses of anger towards the doctors, and then towards the spirits of death and war. Finally, I went after breaking the curses of Allah off Todd. I know my other pray team members were all focused on things the Holy Spirit were revealing to them as well. Then we heard Todd tell Marilyn that he could 'see' a vision of a jail door opening in his mind. Marilyn told him to step out of the cell and be free. Todd said he couldn't he didn't want to leave the souls of the men who died that day, in Iraq, behind. Todd tried but he couldn't and he was crying. It was a powerful moment. Todd sat for a moment teary eyed. Then he thanked each of us. He said no Christians had ever shown him this kind of love before. He hugged us and left our tent. From that experience, everyone on our prayer team knew Jesus wasn't done with Todd yet.

Craig – the PK with the speedo

In the afternoon on Thursday, a thin frail, 20 year old man, named Craig came into the tent for a spiritual experience. He didn't know what he wanted but he wanted to experience something spiritual.

Marilyn and I, asked Craig what he was interested in. He said he didn't know. We asked him what his spiritual background was and he said he was Christian and that his father was a pastor of a church.

As favor increased we revealed we were disciples of Jesus and enquired as to what would he like to experience spiritually. Craig didn't know. I asked him if he had his prayer language yet. He asked me what that was and I told him it was praying in tongues. A big smile radiated on his face, he knew what he wanted. We instructed Craig to ask the Holy Spirit to come. He did as we prayed over him in our prayer language. Then I instructed Craig to make the utterances or sounds. And he did. Before long he was praying in his prayer language. Well, at least now he can show his dad something he got at Burning Man.

Stacy - Am I that Galactic?

Early Friday morning, after the team had breakfast and attempted to make ourselves Playa presentable, Cindy wanted the troops to meet in the tent for worship. It was Friday, and some us, whom I won't mention in this testimony were dragging our feet and operating a bit slower. Without naming names I will mention I was the last to enter the tent of His presence. As I pulled back the Army green flap of the tent to enter, my spider sense was tingling and my armor switched into demon busting mode.

As I stepped in, my attention was immediately drawn to the center, left-side of the tent. Amy, Melody and Cindy were in warfare with several spirits in young Stacy. Stacy was seated in a white plastic chair, and was glaring back diabolically at Cindy. Cindy stood in front of Stacy, with those Jesus eyes manifestation of hers, Bob commented about. The Holy Spirit instructed me to flank the demons who were avoiding Cindy. The spirits simply did not like the Jesus eyes in Cindy and they tried to hide from her. So I proceeded to position behind Stacy and let the Holy Spirit work on her spine. Now there was no escape route or hiding.

When I placed my hands on Stacy's spine the spirits raced around to the front of Stacy to try and hide in her stomach. Amy put her hands on Stacy's stomach and prayed over that. Then whimpering manifestation started. A lot of horrible violations happened to Stacy. These spirits had been a part of Stacy for some time. I guessed Stacy's age to be 20, if she were even that old.
Each of us worked in our gifts to evict spirits out of this young woman. I remember some spirits were coming up and leaving, but one spirit was giving us a bad time and not leaving her throat. It was revealed to me through the prophetic that this spirit lived in her throat and was put there during rape. I member muttering something out loud as I heard what the spirit was and then stifled myself to mumble the ending. With Cindy's help, and several of the woman on our team working together, we prayed purity over Stacy's reproductive organs and I ordered the spirit in the throat to leave. Stacy's head tilted back and the spirits left her.

We prayed off the spirits of suicide and death, as well as other spirits. It was one of the most intense spiritual battles in the tent.

Cindy had Stacy open her eyes and look into hers. Then Cindy sealed her up and prayed for her. I know Bob and I my wife Lisa, were praying with us. But when I tapped into the prophetic I wasn't in our reality anymore. This deliverance was a complete team effort. I remember all of us working on Stacy. Especially, Cindy, Amy and Melody, who started the deliverance prayer with Stacy.

I remember spending a lot of time at Stacy's feet with Freedom Daisy Sunshine (Melody). The last couple of times I have encountered cold body parts was from some will full involvement with a partner in witchcraft. This is not the rule, but the path usually leads there. I remained on the ground praying for the feet while, I believe, Melody shifted to another area to pray for Stacy. Some much was going on it was hard to keep track who was where. It was the entire prayer team at one point or another and complete unity in prayer.

Yeshua, Yeshua...

A little after the Holy Spirit touched Stacy, a young man in his mid-twenties entered the tent, named Tom. From the start this ministry time was off the bat, I got to work with Cindy and Bob. Even though I was ministering, I was getting ministering too. For me class was in session I was very receptive to observe two pros in action, Bob and Cindy.

Tom requested a spiritual alignment (I believe). He told us about his “chakras”, his psychic explorations and his energies. I believe it was Bob who asked Tom to invite the spirit of Truth into himself. Tom held out his hands and asked the spirit of Truth to come. I stood up and asked Tom if I could place my hands on his back. Since he was getting an alignment I wanted to go after the “chakras” and the serpent at the base of his spine.

At this time a spirit manifested in Tom, it identified itself as a spirit from Sarah.

Cindy had the Jesus eyes manifestation going on now. I can't describe it. It is seriously cool to see. Cindy stared directly into Tom's eyes and asked him to tell her about Sarah.

“Sarah was powerful”. The spirit answered.

“Who is Sarah, your girl friend?” Cindy asked.

“She used to be. She was a wiccan. She turned me in the wrong direction.” He answered.

We all pray over Tom for a spiritual re-alignment that was now obviously necessary. Again, Tom rose out of the chair, where Bob and I caught him from falling.

Tom felt the power of what was going on around him and asked what it was.

Cindy answered it was Jesus.

Cindy instructed Tom to ask Jesus to come. Call out his name and he will come.

Tom said, “Yeshua, Yeshua, Yeshua”

When Tom came back to our reality, he looked around at all of us and was fully aware of what transpired. He smiled at each of us and he knew he was cleaned up and re-aligned.
Cindy asked Tom what his heritage was, and he answered he was Jewish.

Burning Man 2011?

Yes, M16 will definitely go to Burning Man next year. We met so many incredible burners who touched our hearts. I am ready to go again and I know the Holy Spirit is too!


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