Socially Networking Demons

It never ceases to amaze me how quickly demons can embrace new technology and run with it. Several years ago when I was being led by the Holy Spirit into curse breaking I would go to hospitals and pray over people. If I felt there was a curse responsible for the person's sickness, I would start praying for the curse to be broken.

During these prayer sessions in hopsitals, on several occassions, one individual I was working with, who was demonically oppressed, would always call my cell phone.  He would call at the exact moment I started the curse breaking. I wouldn't hear for him for a month. And then wham! At the start of a curse breaking prayer, his oppressors would have him reach for his cell phone and dial me. This interruption was becoming so common that I added shutting off the cell phone to the check list of things to do for prepping for a curse breaking.

Demons don't stop at cell phones, they are early adopters of new technology. An interesting case we came across was of a person who was obsessed by spirit photography and posting the pictures on Facebook. What we observed right away was that this person was in a state of demonic obsession. They were obsessed with taking photos of spirits that were attacking them and they were taking hundreds, if not a thousand pictures a day and posting them on their Facebook status.

I explained to this person before our prayer team met him that he needed to shutdown this obsession and not post anymore pictures to Facebook. Demonic obsession is a horrible doorway that is open by compulsively taking, EVPs (electronic voice phenomena), OUJI board, spirit box (spirits talk back in real time), spirit photgraphy and videoing. The human mind is so deceived by the demonic activity it is now drawn into a deep obsession that needs to be severed. In this state, in some cases, it can be as hard as working with a drug addict that is coming off heroine. It's a bad habit that must be broken and this takes time. The individual is going to have to want to come off this obsession. The individual we worked with here, didn't listen to one word. He was convinced that by photographing the demonic spritis he was bringing them to justice by proving their existence. This was the lie the demons were giving him to feed his obsession. To stoke the fire if you will. The obsession must be shutdown by the individual to proceed in the deliverance. If not, it will take lots of prayer, days, weeks, months, and even years, to pray for them to have the strength to break free from the obsession. The obsession must be broken first and will fully by the obsessor.

Now let's look at the social networking aspect of the demons. The demons would attack this man which in turn he would take pictures when he sensed them or was being attacked. He would then publish his photos on the social networking site. The photos now lure other people in to multiply the torment! What the individual does not see in their state of obsession is that the demons are calling all the shots.

For instance, two basic things occur from viewing this obsession, one , the pictures can bring further torment on the individual. It would lead friends and family members to believe there is a mental imbalance. Second, heart felt Christians are being lured in to feel sorry and pray for the obsessed individual -who doesn't want to break the obsession. Even though the posts are pleas for help the obsessor does not want to shut down the root cause of the obsession. The demonic intent is to shift the Christian from their current prayers and intercession. Thus, the purpose is to interrupt prayer. In turn the sympathy posts and prayer is now feeding the obsession. I am not saying the prayer is not the right thing to do. An individual in obsession needs lots of prayer for them to wake up out of their obsession. In these situations, most Christian's just post advice for these individuals to get an exorcist. Which doesn't help either.

Getting an exorcist would be a good idea. However, the exorcist's prayer can not change free will. The root of the torment is the individual's fixation on photographing the demonic. Like it or not this individual has entered a partnership with the demons. By posting spirit pictures he is now giving the demons a platform to operate through social media. We now have torment broadcasting out to the non-believers and we have distractions in prayer targeting the Christians. Demons know social networking better than we do.

To stop the obsession, this individual must listen to the advice and first stop the activities of the obsession, such as EVPs spirit photography and so forth. We have free will. An exorcist's ritual prayer will not stop this. The individual must choose to shut this down. When we are in obsession we are in a state of sin of taking our mind off of Jesus. Even though a person in obsession can be a Christian, it is their doorway, their sin of obsession that is opening the door wider and wider. The obsession is obfuscating the focus on Jesus. The obsession can start (and usually does) in a house that has spiritual activity.

When the obsession has been stopped, by the free will of the person in torment, they next need to be led in prayer to free themselves from the obsession and to ask God for forgivenes for having their free will diverted from Him to something demonic. At this point, the person is ready to be led in deliverance and helped to start walking in their freedom in Jesus Christ. If you are working with an individual in this state. Make sure you have an intercessor team praying for those praying (yes you read that correctly) and praying for the obsessed individual.

Prayer for Breaking of Obsession

Jesus I repent for diverting my thoughts, my mind, and my will to the demonic.

I renounce Satan and his fallen angels.

I repent for the obsessive behavior and letting the demonic become false idols.

I repent for will filly participating in their plans.

I proclaim this doorway of (EVPs, photography, ..obsessive behavior) closed. In Jesus Name.

Lord forgive me.

From this moment I will love the Lord with all my heart and all my mind.

In Jesus mighty name. AMEN.


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