Only 9 More Shopping Days Until Judgement Day May 21

What are you doing May 21 at 6 PM?

By now you're all to familiar with the Judgement day prediction of May 21. A false prophecy from Harold Camping. Who is Harold Camping? He is the head of, a small media empire of over 60 radio stations in the United States. This doesn't include the number of stations overseas. is listener supported and has an estimated net worth of $120 million dollars.
With this extensive funding Mr. Camping has plastered billboards all over the United States with the advertising campaign, "Blow the trumpet, warn the people!". Mr. Camping is falsely prophesying that Judgement day is coming May 21. More specifically, around 6:00 PM. This is the date time and the hour Jesus is supposed to return to earth. Mr. Camping made a similar prophecy back in 1994. People gathered in an auditorium waiting for Jesus to return. Jesus didn't show up.
This time, Mr. Camping has data to back up his false prophecy. You see, because he believes he knows the true day Jesus was crucified on, April 1, 33 A.D. And he has unlocked mathematical secrets of the Bible. This sounds a lot like the Bible codes? Remember those for the late 1990's? That turned the Bible into a Magic Eight Ball and all you had to do was feed it the grammatical text in Hebrew that you wanted lexiconed using statistical analysis -and voila a Magic Eight Ball answer popped up. This is the same non-sense. I have a degree in Physics and Mathematics, there is no logic in Howard Camping's reasoning. This is false prophecy straight from the mouth of a demon.
Now the false prophecy goes like this, you have a magic number, 722,500. This is formulated from:
5 - God's number for atonement, redemption
10 - completeness
17 - heaven
5 x 10 x 17 = 850
850 (Squared) = 722,500 ..and that's a magic number (remember your school house rock?)
Adding April 1, 33 AD + 722,500 yields May 21, 2011!
Now using Camping's own words from his pdf, (this is disguised to look like a mathematical proof. It's not. More clever disguises of the enemy).
I cut and paste a chunk of the nonsense for you to read here:

What About the Number 722,500?

Let us return now to the 722,500.07 days from April 1, 33 A.D. (the day Christ was crucified and died) until May 21, 2011 (the day when God’s salvation plan has been altogether completed and all of the true believers are brought, or raptured into Heaven).

The number 722,500 is made up of two sets of identical significant numbers. Each number is intimately related to God’s salvation plan:

5 x 10 x 17

x 5 x 10 x 17 = 722,500
The atonement or redemption demonstrated by Christ’s suffering and death on April 1, 33 A.D. (the number 5) is 100% completed on May 21, 2011 (the number 10) when all the true believers are raptured into Heaven (the number 17).
Remarkably this number sequence is doubled, to indicate it has been established by God and will shortly come to pass (Genesis 41:32).
Dear reader, we should be absolutely astonished by what we have just learned. All of this we have learned can only be true because it is the same God who created the universe who has planned this precise timeline of history. Even as the natural laws that permit the sending of a rocket to Mars are absolutely dependable and true, or the laws that govern all of nature are dependable and true, so are the laws that govern the unfolding of God’s timeline.
We must comment further about the incredible nature of this proof which is completely based on Biblical information.
End of cut and paste from Camping's pdf.

Are you going to base your spiritual beliefs on this? I wouldn't! I don't even want to go into the math that 2% will be raptured and the rest will go to hell. Math is the language we use to try and explain the laws God uses to govern the universe. God doesn't need math. Math is invented by man to try and understand God. Like I mentioned, I have a degree in Physics. When I work in the supernatural -math is the last tool I use. If I use it ever. Faith, prayer and obedience are the tools of the supernatural - God!

May 21 is nothing more than a false prophecy. And a dangerous one at that. It's source is a demonic religious spirit. The language of demonic spirits is lies. The root motive for this false prophecy is to get people to turn away from God or worse yet, take their own lives because they bought into the lies of Satan.
If you're caught up in this, turn away now. Jesus loves you. He knows we make mistakes. But the fact of the matter is, we don't know the day or the hour. We will only see the signs. And I am not talking about these absurd demonic message billboards. I am talking about the signs of the times. Mr. Camping will face judgement for what he has done. Whether it is May 21 or sometime later. He will have to go before God and atone himself for misleading Jesus' flock. On May 22 if you're feeling confusion and why Jesus didn't show up. Real Christians are here for you.
My team works in the supernatural, we know what a demon does and how it behaves. is under the throne of a religious spirit. It's said, because the content on the station is genuine, with the exception of it's proliferation of false prophecy. I listened to the station to get a feel of the deception. It is actually a rather nice station. Satan really did his homework on this one.
May God Bless you abundantly, now, on May 21st and on every blessed day we have May 22nd and after. Don't be angry with me now. We can talk on May 22. This kind of false prophecy hurts the entire body of Christ. When one hurts we all hurt. We're here for you. On May 22 just shake the dust of your sandals and move on. Jesus loves you and he won't be angry. It is Camping who needs to fall to his knees and repent for the hurtful things he is doing.
P.S. Mr. Camping and Mr. Kim. I am still waiting for the RV. If you're math is accurate, you won't need it on May 22. But I will.   ..and please, take the darn signs down on May 22. Your messing up our beautiful countryside with them.
God Bless


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