Vietnam Ministry in Rehab

Time is flying here on our trip to Vietnam. I am out here with a team of people. A few days back we ministered in a rehab facility. The rehab facility has about 40 young men and about 15 young women. Our team ministered and prayed for the young people in the facility.

I had to work with an interpreter because I don't speak the Vietnamese language. Speaking to a group of people through an interpreter is not an easy task. When I finished my teaching I had a prayer call for the people in attendance to come up for prayer.

The people raced to line up in the prayer lines. The first person in my line was a young woman with a sprained wrist. She held up her arm to me so I could see the wrist bone was out of alignment. I started praying and the interpreter started interpreting over the microphone what I was praying. I told my interpreter, Sally, to put down the microphone and we'll pray together for this woman with the injured wrist. We started praying together and the young woman said she felt a spark inside her bone in the wrist. I asked Sally to inquire whether that was good or bad. Sally asked the young woman and got the response, the shock was a good thing.

Sally and I continued praying together and wrist started slowly going back into place. As the wrist was going back into place, I glanced over and saw a young man manifesting a demon. I had a friend of mine, Rachel, who is from the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, take over and finish praying as the wrist set. The wrist was fully re-aligned by prayer.

Sally and I walked over to the young man who was now wriggling on the ground and staring up at us in a trance. I placed my Bible on his chest and bound the spirit. I worked with Sally to help equip her in casting out spirits. The boy was murmuring a strange name. I asked Sally what the name was. He said it was his dead mother. He keeps seeing her spirit and going into this trance. Sally mentioned the boy was fine a few weeks ago and then ran away to his home. His home is Buddist and has an alter setup to his dead mother. Sally mentioned something about 4 columns or pillars. Anyhow, the young man was possessed from the incident when he went home to the mother's alter.

I worked with Sally and another gentlemen who was present in casting out the spirit. I told them that since the boy was in a trance we'll have to work in the prophetic and see what is going on. AS I instructed Sally to do this she told me she could now see the spirit that was tormenting the boy. The Holy Spirit was letting Sally see into the spirit realm and it freaked her out at first.

I asked her if she asked the Holy Spirit for help on this and the vision started -she said yes. I told her not to worry -the Holy Spirit was revealing to her what was happening to the boy. With Sally translating we had the boy renounce any involvement with the mother's alter at home. And then the boy came out of the trance.

The team had a few interesting healings outside of the ones I mentioned here. At lunch time after the deliverance of the young man, Sally asked for me to pray for healing of her asthma. I was healed from it a few years back.

I think it was Ngia on our team who placed her hand on Sally's chest so I could lay hands on Ngia's hands and pray. AS we prayed together I felt a pressure in my chest. I asked Sally if she felt the pressure and she said, "yes".

But Sally said it was a good pressure like the asthma was coming out of her lungs. We prayed some more and Sally said she could breath normally.

There is so much to share about this trip I need to make the time to document. I am already behind with this blog. But I am learning a lot about casting out eastern religion demons. The face to face with local tribal pastors has been priceless in information exchange.


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