Just Another Feather in the Cap

I never have been fond of handing out tracks. It's not in my gifting to do it properly. I have a homeless friend who is on our Night Strike team and this guy can hand out tracks. It's almost like an anointing on him to pass these out and speak to people about Jesus. When I try it, I usually get pelted by an old woman wielding her purse as a weapon. Tracks just aren't my means of evangelism. I have also seen tracks misused more often than being used effectively. We have had many teams spin off their own street ministry after attending Night Strike. Which is very cool because it means they get what we're doing. It's simple to do street ministry and we equip those people to launch their own efforts. One night I was on the streets and I saw a ministry team that was spun off from a Night Strike event. I was excited and spoke with the man leading his team. We need more people on the streets ministering period! This is a horrible economy and there are more homel...