SCRC Christ Triumphant Exorcist Conference Sat

Here is the final update on the conference. Today the lectures were more up to par with what I expected to hear at an exorcist conference. Remember, exorcism is a deliverance ministry for inner healing. It's not the hog wash or mockery paranormal investigators portray it to be. Exorcism is about healing the soul and the wounds that allowed demonic entry.

One of the great things I liked about each lecture was that there was worship prior to each one. The worship typically ended with the worship leaders singing in tongues.

Father Grob opened the first lecture with the history of exorcism. I took lots of meticulous notes and I need to go back through them for a future post. Hopefully I can read my own steno notes chicken scratch.

Dr. Margaret Schnietz gave the second lecture on how to build a ministry prayer team. Again tons of notes. I have about 20 pages of notes from the day to go through. Dr. Schnietz is a clinical psychologist and exorcist and she had a lot of great information on the human and spiritual dynamics of a good prayer team. And how to manage and grow one. I thought she was an incredible and funny speaker. It was like listening to a grandma exorcist. Margaret mentioned one day she would retire but God hasn't discussed that with her yet.

The final afternoon lecture was again by Fr. Grob, The topic was how unforgiveness opens doors to evil. Fr Grob offered lots of in site from his own ministry and expertise and clearly defined psychological and spiritual forgiveness.

In ending, and this is my own comments. The exorcists I met were very real men and women. Each was passionate about their spiritual beliefs and the healing of the human condition from darkness.

I had a very busy day networking and meeting with people in this ministry. I have a ton of notes and a lot of new contacts. I am honored to have had this time and met these people. Each was amazingly open to speak with me and make connections for ministry. It was cool to have M16 Ministries reach a point where we could operate in this manner. It was a long road getting here and it will be exciting to see where the Holy Spirit is going with this trip. I was able to add a lot of information to curse breaking from the individuals I met here. And it was good to finally meet a ministry friend in person.

God Bless


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