The Truth about Satanism
I really love the documentary, Furious Love, I think the film makers did a great job. There is one section that never really quite sat right with me. It was the interview with Angela Greenig and the bride of Satan. There is a greater detail recap from XPMedia with Patricia King . You can follow that link and view the video. It's about a 10 minute video that goes into greater detail about Angela and the deliverance of the bride of Satan, who is referred to as Rebekah. Angela Greenig is a great deliverance minister and it took an exceptional individual in their walk with Christ to perform the miraculous here. What I am concerned with in the releasing of this testimony are the lack of facts that associate the deliverance of anyone in dark bondage to Satanism. Rebekah was violently, ritually and sexually abused. For a long period of time. Yes, these people can be miraculously delivered by Jesus. But the thorough story on Rebekah's healing is not being told. Rebekah is n...