The Truth about Satanism

I really love the documentary, Furious Love, I think the film makers did a great job. There is one section that never really quite sat right with me. It was the interview with Angela Greenig and the bride of Satan. There is a greater detail recap from
XPMedia with Patricia King. You can follow that link and view the video. It's about a 10 minute video that goes into greater detail about Angela and the deliverance of the bride of Satan, who is referred to as Rebekah.

Angela Greenig is a great deliverance minister and it took an exceptional individual in their walk with Christ to perform the miraculous here. What I am concerned with in the releasing of this testimony are the lack of facts that associate the deliverance of anyone in dark bondage to Satanism. Rebekah was violently, ritually and sexually abused. For a long period of time. Yes, these people can be miraculously delivered by Jesus. But the thorough story on Rebekah's healing is not being told. 

Rebekah is now fighting inner demons of memories surfacing, nightmares, reliving the ritual abuse over and over. Ritual abuse takes a lifetime, literally, to recover from. Rebekah mentioned she was molested since her childhood by Satanists.

My ministry team works with people in this living nightmare. For this story to be portrayed as a miracle deliverance is a false testimony. Tell the story for what it is. A bride of Satan was eternally delivered from the clutches of hell. This statement is true.

Where the danger lies is in other Christians not understanding the commitment and nightmare involved in themselves helping an individual like this. 95% of the Christian community can not answer this call. You literally have an individual who is clinging to you while their mind dissociates and they constantly relive nightmares and surfacing memories. These individuals require lots of therapy as well as a lot of deliverance prayer. It takes a special deliverance team to do this.

I would like to see the true story portrayed of what Rebekah is going through, even today, or they should stop parading this testimony around. It is deceptive. The danger lies in another Christian, ill-prepared, diving in and trying to rescue a former cult member. Then their lives are turned upside down into a nightmare. The cult survivors many times need live in care, which is what it sounds like Angela provided for Rebekah. Which is awesome. But for the average Christian, this is something they are not equipped to handle. Identity dissociation(DID), PTSD, and the numerous exorcisms required are beyond the scope of most Christian deliverance ministries. I know from working on these cases that most likely Rebekah is still dissociating identities, her emotions are flying off the handle, the depression, resurfacing thoughts from the satanic programing of suicide, demonic voices still talking to her, and suffering from PTSD from the ritual abuse. This was a huge chunk NOT to cover in this story. Satanic Ritual Abuse is a difficult trauma to recover from. The time frame for healing is much-much longer than the video leads us to beleive.

I will most likely take a lot of flack from this post. My intent wasn't to attack Angela Greenig, who is a saint, for doing the impossible. I am just asking we share the complete truth from now on. The way the deliverance was portrayed in both Furious Love and XPMedia was misleading.


  1. Dear Michael. I agree with you in the part that the moment of deliverance is just the beginning. I received deliverance from an incubus demon thru a sweet old christian lady in my congregation. All though the ties were broken, I had spent the past year and a half battling the rest of the "club" members that worked together with this entity. The nightmares did stop, but 35 years of oppression sure live a big scar.

  2. Dear Michael;
    Thank you for the post. The more testimonies we can read to encourage ourselves, the better.
    I also know from my experience that even after you are delivered, the battle continues because the demons once were inside of you always want to come back in. The only way to live is to hold onto Christ no matter what. Anything else leads you to death. My friend, John Ramirez, ex-satanist, now a brother in Christ, does what Angela Greenig does. Here in NYC.

    Truly upsetting that 95% of Christians do not know anything about the dark side, and the power of Christ to overcome this. Bill Johnson says that he does not want to spend much time talking about the enemy, but rather spends time to talk about out magnificent Father. So True.

    But we cannot be totally ignorant about our enemy either.
    How can anyone fight any battle without knowing the enemy, and without knowing the greater power God available to us?

    1. hi,
      It's not that 95% of Chrostians know anything about the dark side --It's 95% of Christians don't know how to recover SRA survivors. A majority of the SRA survivors have had their minds fractured by torment, torture and mind control.
      Recovery and healing from mind control can take years.
      You simply can't drag these people into a room and do deliverance prayer or SOZO on them.

  3. What bothers me about this article is that I read your book "A field guide to Spiritual Warfare" and you mention SRA in it. You basically are blasting Angela in this because she's making it sound like it's not that hard, and then in the chapter 8, the SRA part, you basically made dealing with SRA sound like a cake walk and be fairly easy and criticized ministries that work extensively on it. You said "Don't be surprised how little print I have devoted to this topic" referring to the idea that it's so easy, not much needs to be said on it because all you got to do is use Jesus and he'll magically cast everything out with ease. If that's the case then why aren't you using Jesus to heal Down-syndrome and growing back missing limbs?

    If you really know SRA you would know that all cases are not the same and some are higher degrees than others. Of course we use Jesus to heal these people, but it's easier said than done. If you were as good at this as you try to sound like you are in your book, then shouldn't every person who comes to you and your ministry be totally free from SRA? If I followed up on all the people who came away from your ministry, would they all be 100% free? If they are not than be careful of how you criticize other ministries when you're not see 100% results. If it was "so easy" like you make it sound when removing all the programming and healing the people then make it should be that easy to heal Schizophrenia and paraplegics. And please don't give me the testimony of a few who have gotten healed, answer me why all of the Schizophrenics and paraplegics are not getting healed when coming to your ministry.


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