Night Strike Friday April 12 2013

The Night Strike crew had a great night on the streets in San Francisco. This is the recap from Friday April 12, 2013. We had the team from Santa Cruz School of the Supernatural with us on the streets. The SCSM is training leaders to take routes on the streets on Night Strikes. We had our team leaders on hand, Lisa, Diana, Sonja, Teresea, Bruce, Dennis (Jr.), Bobby, and Hollywood (Joseph). Along with them we had Dorothea, Charde, Mary and Tess.

We had several teams on the streets in the Tenderloin of San Francisco. Nearly everyone came back at the end of the evening with a testimony of a really great encounter on the streets. I am going to reflect on some of the highlights I had while I was on the streets on Diana's team, we had Ken and Kim from SCSM, Charde (who was out on her first Night Strike), Booby, and Hollywood.

Our team made it's way to Polk St, we followed no particular path and just went out as the Spirit led us. One of the alleys we walked down, we met TJ. TJ was in a wheel chair and was slumped over like he was sleeping. I walked over and talked to TJ and gave him a sandwich, I think it was Kim, who walked over with me, handed TJ some socks. TJ was very grateful. I then asked TJ if we could pray for him. Tj replied assertively, "You better pray for me I am very sick." The entire team gathered around TJ and prayed for healing. We prayed for his lungs to clear out and for the pain in his ribs to cease.

After we left TJ in the alley we turned up Larkin and found our long time Night Strike friend, Kenny. Kenny we have known for years. A Night Strike leader predecessor before me, Elyssa, became good friends with Kenny. Whenever I see Kenny I give him the Elyssa update and how she's doing. He was blown away to hear that Elyssa was in Cambodia with Mark and Bob. We stopped and chatted with Kenny for a while and then moved on.

We were led by the Spirit down another alley. We met Logan and Tammy who were sleeping in the alley for the night. Logan was apprehensive right away and re-assured us he wasn't Tammy's boy friend, he was just a friend, and that both he and Tammy lost their apartments and were on the streets.
While our new friends spoke with us, The Holy Spirit gave me a download that Tammy was a painter and that a lot of her paintings were child-like. I gave Tammy the picture I was getting about her and she was taken back for a moment. Logan asked me how I knew that about Tammy. I shared with them that God was giving me a picture about Tammy. They were both blown away and Tammy admitted she loved painting flowers but she felt she wasn't very good. I affirmed her that her paintings were meant to reflect innocence. Tammy started crying that her creator gave her that picture and that He spoke to her that she existed. After this encounter, Charde gave Tammy and Logan an incredible prayer and blessing. Both them were extremely touched and it was a powerful encounter from heaven.

Later in the evening our team was led in the spirit to the shelter on Polk St. Several people were outside and the team dispersed to minister to people standing in front of the shelter. Ken, Kim and Diana, ministered to a woman. I could see the woman was really moved by her encounter and tears were running down the sides of her face. It was a Jesus moment going on over there.  So the rest the team moved on to another section of the shelter.

Bobby, Charde and I engaged in conversation with Cherie. She had just entered the shelter and started rehab. Cherie explained to us how she just cried for 3 hours today. For no reason at all. She didn't understand what was going on. I asked Cherie about her spirituality. She said she loves Jesus. Then I explained to her the reason I asked is because I had an answer for why she was crying. It was the Holy Spirit. I explained to her how the Holy Spirit had a hold of her, and as she goes through rehab she needs to listen to the Holy Spirit, he is going to help you through this process of getting clean. And it's going to be a process. The crying is a manifestation of the Holy Spirit who wants you to know he is real while you go through this healing process. God has a plan for your life and you are going to see it full filled.

Cherie's eyes started tearing up again. She then shared with us a story of how she was a Jane Doe in a local bay area hospital after being hit by a car. Literally, she was Jane Doe, and her story was on the news. No one knew who she was. She shared with us another story after that about how God again spared her life. So the message we shared with her tonight resonated that she needed to listen to the Holy Spirit and work on cleaning herself up.

I know all the team members had incredible testimonies from Friday. This is just one individual's perspective. Thanks again to everyone who helps out on Night Strike. We get a lot of logistics support in going out on the streets. From the middle school kids who make the sandwiches for us, to the warriors who show and brave whatever weather a San Francisco night can throw at us.


Rev. Mike


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