Night Strike Supernatural Ministry July 26 2013

Better late than never. I know. I am getting ready for Night Strike ministry for this Friday August 09, 2013, and I am just getting around to documenting NS from July 26, 2013. Well, it's been one of those months. We have been blessed with favor and having Mary S. and an incredible group of people prepare some fabulous food to bring to God's children on the streets. Mary's team prepared sandwich wraps, which were an incredible and immediate hit on the streets. We had a great turnout of people for our July 26, 2013 Friday Night Strike. I think we sent out about 5 teams of 8-10 people on this evening. I went out on Sonia P's team. And she was led by the Spirit and took us to different places on the streets in and around Bill Graham Center and the Tenderloin. On one of our stops I had the pleasure to minister with Andrea B, who had a great prophetic word for a woman we encountered on the streets. That's what we're all about it isn't about the sandwiches and socks we hand out. Although, those are needed and highly desired for the homeless on the streets. It's the God encounters that happen on the streets. The prophetic words, word of knowledge, and healing each Night Strike Team brings to the streets. While we were in the TL a gentleman, named Clarence, decided to walk with us. Sonia ministered to Clarence and they had a powerful chat on life changing transitions Clarence was going through. The cool thing about this conversation is that I was oblivious to it and in the back of the group. Diana G. and I were ministering to people we encountered as we were walking the streets. At the end of the evening, Clarence had walked all the way back with us to the statue at Hyde and Felton. My wife Lisa, closed in prayer and she said a blessing over Clarence. As my wife prayed, I was given a prophetic picture of Clarence standing in a brightly lit transit bus. I could hear God clearly say it was a transit bus. I then shared the picture I got with Clarence as we were still in a group praying. I told Clarence God gave me a picture of him, standing in a transit bus, and it was brightly lit. I told him, the transit bus was literal and that he was in transition. The brightness of the lights in the bus were a confirmation that God was with him as he made these life changes. At that moment, Clarence just looked at me wide eyed. "That's amazing!" He said. He took a moment to process what I had said. Which was good. Because it was impacting to Clarence and it shook him. Which was clear by his stare at me and his body language. Sonia started laughing. Clarence look's over at Sonia. That's exactly what we were just talking about. Only I wasn't in the conversation or anywhere around it. Clarence looked up at the sky and cupped his hands thanking God. That's what Night Strike is all about. Bringing encounters to God's people on the streets! BY the way. Bob Johnson. The Founder of Night Strike has a published a book which documents a lot of early history of Night Strike.
Love Stains
Some history of Night Strike is also in my book, and the beginnings of M16 Ministries, from Night Strike.
A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare - the Power to PULL the IMPOSSIBLE from the HEAVENLY REALMS


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