M16 Ministries Hearing God 101

As I was shooting video for the VBLOG today I came across old video on the camera sandisk that was shot last Spring. Pastor Jimi Merrell and I put on a Prophetic Bootcamp - a 4 hour crash course in prophetic ministry. Here is an excerpt on that class. I open with discussions on mystical theology concepts, from Saint Teresa of Avila, on hearing God -  (latin locutio) locutions and the different ways we hear and feel God's presence. This was the intro portion of the course.

Addendum 10/03/13:
I wrote this blog on the eve (10/02/13) of a prophetic message spreading through the Internet and social media that God is going to execute judgment on Northern California with an earthquake. The prophecy was for Oct 3, or today as I add this addendum. Since my blog is on hearing God. I wanted to pipe in on what I am hearing. The only earthquake that s happening today are number of people scrambling in fear about this false prophecy. FEAR. It is a spirit of fear. The spirit of prophecy was poured out on all of us. Those of you who didn't check with God and checked with man - Shame on you. This is also a good hearing exercise to ask God about this prophecy, ask him, "Is this real?" I write this early AM on Oct 3 and I have a pretty comfortable feeling in the spirit I will be here Oct 4. As will Northern California.

Rev. Mike

For further reading on the topic,
A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare - the Power to PULL the IMPOSSIBLE from the HEAVENLY REALMS

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