M16 - Farewell Sweet 2014

As 2014 comes to a close this week I would like to share with you some of the incredible ways God has been using us in ministry. The first 21 days of the New Year, Lisa and I like going on a Daniel Fast to listen for direction from God. In January we also were invited to go speak at Bethel Church, for Bob and Kimberly Johnson ministries, where I spoke on two of my favorite topics, Mystical Theology, and Spiritual Warfare. This was an exciting time and it was a lot of fun.

January pretty much flew by, no sooner than Lisa and I had finished our Daniel Fast, we were given the first house haunting case for the New Year. As most of you already know, M16 Ministries is not strictly a spiritual warfare ministry, we also lead homeless ministry in San Francisco, with Night Strike, and we also equip and lead people into prophetic ministry venues not readily accessible to the average Christian believer.

Night Strike

Night Strike is our street ministry, occurring every second Friday of the month, to the homeless, drug addicts, and prostitutes in San Francisco. Many neighborhoods we go into are notorious for being dangerous, such as the Tenderloin. Night Strike is about bringing heavenly encounters to the people we meet on the streets. We hand out socks, food, and articles of clothing, but we are more concerned with meeting their spiritual needs as well. In 2014, Night Strike, re-opened its reach in ministry to neighborhoods in the Mission District and the Haight. It felt good to return to these neighborhoods and resume ministry.

We have had the pleasure of students from a middle school, where one of our NS leaders teaches, prepare the food and encouraging notes for the people we minister to. One memorable night was Valentine’s Day on the streets in San Francisco, where a homeless man read a Valentine from one of the students, and this man just wept as he read the note. It opened for a powerful encounter where our leaders, in fact one leader was the student’s teacher who wrote the note, could minister to the man. It’s amazing how powerful the notes from these students were and how they opened people up for ministry.

Night Strike has always been instrumental in equipping other ministers for going out on the streets. For many ministers it’s their first chance to learn and move in prophetic ministry. We have also had our share of spiritual warfare on the streets too. Our ministers have been instrumental in equipping and teaching ministers from larger organizations on how to deal with the spirits on the streets. .
One memorable night was when Night Strike team returned to the Haight for ministry. A homeless couple, Bridgett and Sam, were traveling the world because Bridgett was given time to live of one month from a terminal brain tumor. Our team was able to minister with Bridgett. Although healing didn’t come was we prayed for it. The encounter was very powerful to Bridgett as she was extremely appreciative we had stopped to minister with her.

Night Strike has been filled with lots of encounters with the Holy Ghost. Come on out and join us. Dates and times are posted on Facebook. Night Strike falls on the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month.

For details on Night Strike please go to our Facebook page.

Facebook link: Night Strike San Francisco

Covert Prophetic Ministry

Night Strike has been instrumental in raising up prophetic seers, healers, and spiritual warfare ministers. For the past year, M16 Ministries has been grooming and training Night Strike leaders to minister in prophetic venues. These are venues where the minister must bring light into darkness, and this is something not everyone has been called to do. We discovered it takes a special person to be able to do this. Our prophetic team has ministered at New Age expos, street fairs, and even pagan festivals. In 2015, the plan is to take the prophetic ministry team to Burning Man. Yes, Night Strike is going to Burning Man! Our ministry team is pretty groomed now in ministering in these environments and we’re really excited about our spiritual adventure in August. We also have a paranormal conference on the radar too where we plan to go minister at.

Please check our video of a woman who received a healing in hearing at one of our events.


Benevolence, Bibles, and Water Filters

2014 was an interesting year for ministry in missions. The funding was available to do some exciting missions, but God sent me – no where! Oh, I made some exciting recommendations to Him on where He should send me. I just wasn’t sent! My rule of thumb is that I must be sent somewhere I just don’t pick a place and go!

Instead, I became a FedEx missionary. What is that? That’s where you carry on mini-mission trips by sending items instead of yourself. It started in 2013, when Pastor John and Pastor Rachel, in Pakistan, reached out to me on Facebook for assistance with replacing Bibles in a town, where Christians were
persecuted and their Bibles were burned. Many of you answered the call and we were able to assist in replacing bibles. The people who received these Bibles only make $.02 a day. A Bible costs $6. It was impossible to send that many Bibles to Pakistan, it was cheaper to use other means. Such as Western Union. In 2014, a flood devastated part of their village and orphanage. With floods comes sickness and death. I was able to FedEx out some of my Sawyer Water filters to the Pastors. The cost of shipping 5 small filters would be about $15 US dollars if I shipped them to Florida. But to ship to Pakistan it was well over 10 times that amount!

Pastor John and Rachel are a powerful arm of God in kingdom building in Pakistan. They are amazing and they also run an orphanage! Please keep them in your prayers.

2014 I also shipped Sawyer Water filters to my good friend, Bishop Rodwell Mclean, of Rhema Cornerstone Church, in Guyana South America. He gave them out to pastors in Jonestown Guyana, where the notorious Jim Jones People’s Temple Massacre occurred. I thought it was prophetic that life giving water filters were sent from the same city that once sent a horrible tragedy and curse to Jonestown. One day I would love to return to Georgetown and visit Bishop Rodwell and Grace.

 This year also marked a time when I saw a lot of ministers devastated by the down turn of the economy. M16 Ministries operated in benevolence to assist these men and women of God. These ministers are involved in high level warfare and intercession and we couldn't stand there and watch the enemy take everything from them like locusts raiding a crop. This was the first year we operated with a benevolence gift. I pray it is the last and break through comes to these ministers.

Spiritual Warfare and Inner Healing

M16 Ministries is a major presence in spiritual warfare. The ministry now works regularly with six women who have dissociated identity disorder. These women are all survivors of long-term trauma, abuse, sexual abuse, mind control, and ritual abuse. Most of my ministry time now is focused on only cases that require ministry beyond the capability of the church in spiritual warfare. I work full time at my day job, and afterwards, four nights a week, I minister with these incredible women. Each of them is walking through their own long term healing with Jesus Christ.

2014 marks a significant year where M16 was able to network with other ministries like ours in helping others with dark issues in spiritual warfare. This has become a turning point in a large battle where the spotlight is returning to the church as having the ability to deal with hauntings and possessions. The common message underlying all paranormal shows is that Jesus can’t clean out a haunted house, you need a psychic. This table has turned in 2014, and it’s thanks to some very dedicated ministers that M16 is now in line with. This year M16, through connections with other Christian ministries was able to rid some high profile cases presented on TV as unsolvable by ghost hunters and psychics, cleaned up through Christian ministers.

This was the year I also reached out to some of the home owners in the Travel Channel’s The Dead Files Show and sent them copies of A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare. In some cases it was well received and in other cases no response what so ever. The paranormal field doesn’t want to embrace the possibility that God is real, and through some of the ministries M16 is networked with – they are going to have to embrace the facts as they start coming out!

In all, 2014 was a very intense year in warfare. There are some chapters here I am glad to see closed. But with each battle you can only grow deeper in God. Seems like the darker you go – the deeper you go. Not a fun trip to be on. But it’s always amazing to see the Glory of God!


What's in Store for 2015?

I am really excited that God is already paving the road for  2015. In spring I have two speaking engagements on the calendar. One in February, and the other in March at the Bay Area Sunday School Conference. With that I will also be planning out the logistics to get our ministry team to Burning Man!


The ministry has some needs going into 2015. The prophetic ministry events are always expensive. We have one event in April fully paid for – it was $2K. These events aren’t cheap but the outcomes are priceless. There are several events on the calendar for 2015, on event is $1K, and another event is $500. This isn’t counting Burning Man. We will require an estimated $3K for this event. Also, if anyone has an RV we can borrow or rent, let us know too. Water Filters $45 each need at least 10 for starters to help my fellow pastors.

Pastor John and Rachel need clothes for their orphans, and money for Bibles. If you feel called to assist, I can make sure the funds get to their hands. They are at the forefront of spiritual warfare, please keep this family in your prayers. The work they are doing is world changing and kingdom expanding. 

In every step of ministry, it has always been God who has made provision, and God who has opened doors for us. Please pray for us for provision and open doors. Most of all that this ministry stays in step and follows the will of the Heavenly Father.

Have a blessed and safe New Year!

Thank you for supporting us…

Rev. Michael Norton

Thank You for Blessing Us with Your One Time Donation


  1. Mike, I came under conviction after reading your post last weekend. Thank you.

    My husband and I had the privilege of walking the TL with your team a couple of times while we lived in the Bay Area. We have since moved to Siloam Springs, Arkansas (a small town in NW Arkansas) and know that a similar ministry is needed here. It's time that we take that first step.

    Do you have any suggestions for starting a group from "Scratch"? I know that we will have a few people that might be willing to go with us but they have not experienced praying for people or even talking to the Homeless community. (We hope to change that!)

  2. The YouTube video link above does not work - can you fix it?


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