Night Strike Street Minsitry is Coming to an End

All Good Things Must Come to an End…

Night Strike has been a very passionate ministry for Lisa and I. I have been involved with Night Strike since January of 2008. Night Strike is a supernatural ministry where we have seen many miracles, signs and wonders on the streets of the city of San Francisco. Where we ministered to the homeless, drug addicts, and prostitutes. Night Strike was started in 1999 by Bob Johnson and Mark Neitz, who were then part of little church in Weaverville, Ca, named Frontline church. You can read up on the history on Night Strike on the m16 ministries NS History link here.

Night Strike has always been very dear to my heart. It was during my early days with Night Strike that the Holy Spirit worked with me in the mysteries of spiritual warfare. I wrote a book, documenting what I learned on the streets, the book is titled A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare. We have seen phenomenal miracles in deliverance, healing, and inner healing on the streets. The streets are where the Holy Spirit taught me on the gifts of prophecy. We had homeless people come off the streets by prophetic words God have given to myself and team members to share with people we encountered.

Night Strike was always an incredible equipping ground for both young and old street ministry leaders. There was just something about a Night Strike leader, God always sent people who were the best of the best but operated in humility. I am thankful for each person who came in obedience to the Holy Spirit and ministered along side with Lisa and I. Night Strike was always the special forces of street ministry in San Francisco. Some of us old timers have some pretty hairy stories about times on the streets. But with the consistency in presence, the atmosphere shifted where it was more peaceful to minister. I remember the real eye opener when we started seeing other ministries showing up on Friday nights to hit the streets. We knew then Night Strike had made a significant dent in the spiritual atmosphere of the streets. There are numerous Holy Ghost stories I can share. So I better not start here.

When you work with the Holy Spirit you learn to work with Him in His ebbs and tides while you minister. Many times a ministry is only for a season. I learned this lesson with all the young people I ministered with and had them for a season to train them in street ministry and spiritual warfare. Just as I had seasons with these incredible young people, the ministry itself has a season and then it is over.

In early June, God started giving me dreams that it was time to shutdown Night Strike. I didn’t really know what to do at first about these dreams. Because Night Strike was still running full force and we were still having powerful ministry times on the streets. Yet, the dreams continued that I was being asked by the Holy Spirit through dreams to shutdown Night Strike.  As God works things, I had a prophetic minister delivery to me the same message. He knew nothing about Night Strike he was from out of town. His message confirmed the season of dreams. But regardless of what the prophetic messenger told me, I already received the message loud and clear through the dreams.

The problem now is that stopping Night Strike is like trying to stop a mile long Union Pacific freight train. I have been applying the brakes since early July to stop this train.

So what next? What happens when I step off this train? God also shared with me in this season dreams of where I was to move on to. There was a correlation in my next assignment to what I was doing on the streets with Night Strike and what I was doing in spiritual counseling and prayer ministry during the week in the counseling office. I realized a few years back, that Friday night ministry on the streets wasn’t enough to assist people with really deep dark issues that kept some of the people on the streets. There were issues of trauma and spiritual darkness that kept these people chained in a poor and dangerous life style. It is going to take more than just giving the homeless a roof over their heads, as most mayors think the solution is, to end the homeless problem in the cities. Sure for some homeless – it is a lifestyle. You ever see one of those homeless guys standing out in the middle of the street talking to the invisible person? A roof over his head won’t help him.

As God started putting the new dreams into my spirit, a homeless man in another state, living under a bridge was given my phone number, by an out of state networked ministry. Talk about God’s timing, right? Do I really need confirmation on God’s word?  I started ministering to this young man who has multiple identities and is the survivor of the occult and ritual abuse. We have had several ministry sessions over the cell phone. For this man - it was a lifeline from Jesus tossed out to him.

I have met people on the streets with severe trauma, and multiple identities, that are the direct result of spiritual darkness. God wants me to spearhead the battle to assist people who are tormented, hearing voices, and are dealing with surviving childhood severe trauma and/or ritual abuse.

Again, God is re-deploying the ministry into darker waters. Many people have vocally protested that I shouldn’t give up Night Strike. And the truth of the matter is, I am not. I am being obedient to the Holy Spirit in what He is telling me to do and where he wants me placed on His battlefield. Talks are underway now for where to setup the new ministry. The Holy Spirit is already putting things in motion for when He re-deploys M16 in San Francisco.

Many people donated to Night Strike, and one church provided monthly donations to us for helping to feed the homeless and purchase Night Strike supplies. We ask that even though we’re shutting down Night Strike that if you would please continue to give.

M16 Ministries is still involved in covert outreaches. We have burning man coming up in August, which is an expensive outreach for us. And we have venues we need to start paying for and buying in advance in September, one particular venue is $2000,  for covert outreaches in the 2016 Q1 and Q2.  The 2016 Q2 outreach our prophetic team ministers to about 200 new age followers.

Furthermore, we have a mission trip, slated in late October early November of 2015, to go to Cambodia to work with pastors on how to minister to survivor children of sex trafficking. The plan is to equip pastors in prayer ministry to help bring inner healing and wholeness from dissociative identity disorder caused by trauma from the trafficking and ritual abuse. ---If anyone has air miles to donate that would be a huge blessing! Things are really moving in the ministry and we need to be blessed to be sent! We go into the heart of spiritual darkness and we seek out the uncut diamonds!

We know Night Strike was a huge visible ministry for us, but it was only the visible portion of the M16 iceberg so to speak. 80% of the iceberg is always submerged and out of site. M16 ministries is actively putting together training material and curriculum for training in spiritual warfare. There are a lot of things going on behind the scenes with the ministry. The ministry is making strides and still continues to be at the front lines of the battle. Please continue to pray for us during this transition period. And if would you please help support us in securing venues for our outreach team.

We are starting to unroll our training curriculum. You can find dates and locations to ministry training on our facebook page. Toni Taigen, of In the Potter’s Hands, and I plan to hold a Trauma and Deliverance seminar on October 10.  Details on Facebook page in early September. Venue is booked so it is happening –Valley Christian Center in Dublin, Ca.

It’s been a time of phone calls, trying to contact people, leaders, and ministers. Some teary eyed conversations. Many people I tried to reach and couldn’t yet. There are still people, leaders, and supporters I need to call. I didn’t want them to find out this way. Time was running out for this operation. In my spirit I felt the Holy Spirit wanted Night Strike to come to a close, this month, in August. This Friday, August 14, 2015, will be the last official Night Strike. Lisa and I won't totally abandon homeless street ministry - it's in our DNA now. But I will follow the will of the Father and the movement of the Holy Spirit. He is my boss.

I want to thank my mentors, Bob Johnson and Mark Neitz who trusted me to carry on with the torch. Pastor Evan Prosser – who I want to be when I grow up. Pastor John Calderon and Day 3 church in Los Banos! You guys are awesome! Pastor Jerry and the Gateway Benecia, thank you so very much for supporting us! And thank you to everyone who came out and supported us on the streets. By now there are so many of you people I am grateful for your participation in this ministry. I am so thankful for each and every one of you. Night Strike was always about the church being the church. First and foremost.

Just remember this is not a retirement party, I got a promotion. Gotta go fight on the front lines in another area of San Francisco! Miraculous testimonies to follow!


Rev Mike

paper back - A Field Guide to Advanced Spiritual Warfare - Deliverance, Exorcism, Healing the Effects of Ritual Abuse.

Kindle - A Field Guide to Advanced Spiritual Warfare - Deliverance, Exorcism, Healing the Effects of Ritual Abuse. (eBook)

Get your very own copy of the ORIGINAL  - A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare!

A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare - the Power to PULL the IMPOSSIBLE from the HEAVENLY REALMS


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