M16 Ministries – A Glance Back at 2015

It must be the end of the year! My email inbox is starting to fill up with requests from other ministries to donate to them at the 11th hour before the end of 2015. I enjoy reading the marketing strategies of some of these telethon like campaigns. Some ministry campaigns strategize on the emotions and urgency, “Clock is ticking!”, or “It’s not too late!”.

When I read those captions, it doesn’t feel right in the spirit with me. I know it’s the end of the year and we’re all closing our books on 2015. We’re 501c3s we have to show no profit to the IRS. Sure the bank account will be dry. I just feel in my spirit that for me, M16 is a supernatural ministry and all my campaigning for fund raising will happen during a 21 day Daniel fast at the start of the New Year. Oh wait, that is tomorrow.

I am pretty much at ease God is in control of 2016. So rather hit you with a “a time is running out” campaign, let’s look at what God has done through M16 Ministries in 2015.

Helping those who have no where else to turn

M16 Ministries was born on the streets of San Francisco. Our mission has always been to help those who have nowhere else to turn in their supernatural battles against the forces of darkness. When all other resources in the church have become exhausted in spiritual warfare battles the cases get escalated to M16 Ministries. We have dealt with low level demonic deliverance, curse breakings, hauntings, and exorcisms this year. People think it is odd that I separate the ministries of deliverance and exorcism. They are in fact two separate ministries. Many people who are dealing with curses are dealing with low level demons. This is the mission of deliverance ministry. Our team worked with a woman this year who was levitating at night over her bed. After some investigation we found out regional African spirits (satanic angels) were involved and this required higher level ministry – exorcism. And it is not what you think it looks like from Hollywood’s portrayal. Nor does our exorcism look like the Roman Catholic Rite of Exorcsim It’s just a higher level of prayer ministry that requires the Holy Spirit’s anointing to operate in that area. And yes – the levitation stopped!

In the Potter’s Hands counseling has graciously allowed us to minister in their offices. Having an office place to meet was pivotal in meeting with people face to face to determine what was going on and why they needed our assistance. M16 ministered with a lot of people who thought they were under the influence of demons. It’s great that deliverance ministry is becoming acceptable in the church. However, our ministry has seen a spike in people coming to see us for deliverance prayer and their issues aren’t demonic. Too many believers are now choosing to give the devil too much credit for their problems. We encountered people who didn’t want to deal with their own personal issues and were looking for a magic silver bullet in deliverance ministry. These personal issues included meth addictions, mental illness, irresponsibility, trying to work around repenting, and listening to their own soul-ish desires rather than listen to the conviction of the Holy Spirit.  We did deal with a lot of true demonic issues. It was interesting to see the sudden spike in non-demonic cases heading our way.

In 2015, M16 assisted with multiple hauntings and equipped the home owners and residents who were battling forces of darkness. Our ministry book, A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare is still our go to book for equipping warriors. When we’re contacted about an actual haunting our first care package that is shipped out is our book. I believe I sent out well over 20 books in 2015 to people we were assisting in bringing an end to their living nightmare. The ministry was pivotal in shutting down hauntings through equipping the saints.

By the way, A Field Guide for Spiritual Warfare is now being sold at the IHOP book store in Kansas City!

The ministry has also conducted several blessings, deliverances, and curse breakings, via skype. Through this ministry we have encountered a lot of believers who went to ghost hunters and psychics and were loaded up on a lot of new age “disinformation” that significantly hindered their battle. Never call the occult to battle the occult!

Prayer Ministry Counseling

Toni Taigen, founder and director of In the Potter’s Hands, has been extremely gracious to me. Toni and I worked closely this year on ministering to individuals with dissociative identity disorder. I refer to this as fracturing of the soul. When an individual, more specifically, a child is exposed to prolong severe trauma, abuse (sexual, verbal, physical, and ritual), their souls can fracture into multiple identities. This past year while ministering with Toni, at The Potter’s Hands, women have received significant inner healing from occult and mind control programming and dissociation.

God is really moving at In the Potter’s Hands and we’re seeing incredible healing. I am glad that Toni Taigen has allowed M16 Ministries to come in and work in partnership on the occult related cases.

This year over a period of several months, 3 session per week intensive ministry time over skype, we had a client receive full healing from her lifelong struggle with dissociation.

Healing is long term in this battle and requires lots of love, understanding, humility, and patience.

One interesting case over the summer I ministered to a homeless man, who lived under a freeway somewhere (I won’t disclose where because of the occult) and I worked with him over the cell phone. He had multiple identities because his parents ritually abused him as a child.

At this time, I have an active case, where we’re attempting to assist a mom, whose child is believed to be in the process of occult programming.


2015 is the year God asked me to shut down Night Strike. Many people still can’t believe God would ask me to do such a thing. But I was specifically told in a series of dreams to shut down Night Strike and start a new covert ministry in the city. During Night Strike I ministered to a lot of people on the streets who, were getting blessed by Night Strike, but they needed something more. They needed one on one attention for inner healing. Something they couldn’t get from any ministry on the streets. Don’t get me wrong. There were some powerful heavenly Father encounters on the streets. The heavenly Father knows these people need more!

Night Strike was shut down and new ministry is starting for assisting people who are survivors of severe trauma and afflicted by ritual abuse as children from the occult. I am not releasing details about this new ministry because it needs to remain under the radar. I have experienced a lot of warfare in getting this aspect of ministry up and running. As it launches and gets momentum, I will use interns and volunteers from In the Potters Hands as needed. This ministry requires people with training and those who are strong enough in their walk to not fear the occult.

I hate speaking in code here. But I was given specifics through dreams on what needed to be done on the streets. God doesn’t continue to do the same thing all the time. The Holy Spirit likes to move and you have to be obedient and listen and move with Him.  I felt we did do just that.


M16 Ministries has always had a passion for equipping the saints in the areas of prophetic evangelism, extreme outreach, and spiritual warfare. In March of 2015, I was blessed to be allowed to present at the Bay Area Sunday School conference. I spoke on prophetic evangelism and tools M16 has learned on the streets, and from our mentors, on how to reach those who are non-believers and have significantly different spiritual beliefs. In 2016, Toni Taigen and I will be speaking at BASS on the topic of prayer ministry and occult programming.

Back in July, Cornerstone Church, in Arcade, under the pastoral leadership, of Pastor Earl Heverly, we equipped the saints in deliverance in Sacramento area. That was a lot of fun. Pastor Earl imparted a lot into me as well. It was a great mutual exchange.

October 10, 2015, In the Potter’s Hands hosted “Hope for Trauma and Deliverance” workshop at Valley Christian Center in Dublin. There were over 84 people in attendance. Toni spoke on the development of the child’s mind and dissociation. I spoke on the latter half of the day on prayer ministry to survivors of severe trauma and dissociation. In between our talks we had the pleasure of some of the survivors giving their testimony on how they were receiving inner healing. It was a very powerful day!

November 23, 2015, I presented the “Hope for Trauma and Deliverance” workshop in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, to 30 pastors and some representatives from Destiny Rescue. This workshop was instrumental in Cambodia as I was able to present the results we were seeing in In the Potter’s Hands with inner healing of survivors of severe sexual trauma (trafficked children), ritual abuse, and mind control. It was the opening of hope for trafficked survivors with dissociation that the humanitarian NGOs don’t address. (M16 needs funds to return to Cambodia!!!)

Urban Mission Trips

You don’t need to go on an expensive missions trip with Randy Clark to Brazil to see the supernatural move. God moves in your own backyard! This is why I love doing urban missions, or what we now call extreme outreaches. Depending on where God sends me and the prophetic evangelism team, we may go to pagan festivals, new age fairs, or Burning Man. This year we went to a new age fair and Burning Man.

The ministry is covert and I don’t like disclosing where we go – especially on social media. This year our prophetic evangelism team went to a new age fair and we ministered to over 200 people. The new agers got rocked and were amazed at the accuracy of the prophetic ministry. God wanted to talk to His kids, even if they went to a new age fair. He’ll speak to them there. The local psychics around us didn’t like us too much. We are usually the hit venue of the shows we go to. We had waiting lists of 40+ minutes and the psychics didn’t have the amount people we were accommodating.  Some deliverances, and some salvations, and some people got a taste of their heavenly Father. It was pretty much a woman at the well experience. As one person would get touched by God they would go get their friend and have them get touched by God. It is phenomenal to be apart of this ministry and watch God move.

Every year we go to Burning Man with Cindy McGill’s team. In the picture to the left Lisa and I are posing with our good friend Merry Bruton, of Destiny Dreamz. This year, God sent Lisa and I alone into Burning Man. We didn’t quite understand why God sent us alone and not with a theme camp. Well, we found out when we got there. We were sent to a far outer rim where there are no theme camps and it was a total different experience for us. This was an expeditionary exercise for Lisa and I. We were shown a lot of new things and learned are old ways of ministry wouldn’t work in an area we were in. It was a study and learn time. The supernatural was there, but we were being educated in what to do. We are hoping to be released into going back to Burning Man this year. It will require some supernatural provision by February so we can purchase our tickets. I know we go we are to go back out to the area we were sent before. And no team. Just the two of us (queue up Bill Withers song..). I don’t want to say too much more because of the close knit community of Burning Man. If I say more it will give away where we were it and I don’t want to disclose that. Especially on social media.

Mission Trip Cambodia

Mid-summer when we hadn’t even gone to Burning Man yet. I know I was supposed to go to return to Cambodia in November. I remember talking to my friend Mark Neitz, founder of Night Strike, and now a missionary and director of an orphanage in Cambodia, that I didn’t have the funds but I felt in the spirit I would have them. In September, Burning Man was fully paid for and God provided the funds and means for me to return to Cambodia. I felt in the spirit I needed to equip and teach what we had learned over here at In the Potter’s Hands counseling, and share the knowledge base on ministering to sex trafficked survivors.

This trip was an absolute success. I was able to hold the workshop as I previously mentioned. I was also able to work with orphanage house moms on how to deal with dissociation as it occurred with children survivors of sex trafficking. It was a break through and it needs to be followed up with more trips out to Cambodia. It was great to be able to talk with the house moms and have them acknowledge the finger prints of dissociation I was describing. They were all to familiar with what I was explaining and they were dealing with it in the teen girls under their care. I need to get back here for follow up and further equipping. Rescuing these kids is one thing, but I learned after that, no one is really trying to restore them and heal them. Therefore, the nightmare continues the rest of their lives.

One school I visited on my trip also had demonic activity in it. I did several prayer sessions over several days to expel the spirits. The property is now blessed and protected from any more fly overs by witchcraft in the area. I posted the complete story on A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare Blog spot. There is some cool video there of part of the house walk through before the blessing.

One of the highlights, of the many on the trip, Mark Neitz and I are street ministers. We share the same spiritual DNA when it comes to street minsitry. We love the streets. We went to minister in the red light district of Cambodia at a John pick up bar. Within an hour we had about four young Cambodian prostitutes seated around us. They came to us thinking we were prospective clients. Mark and I ministered, just as we had done with the transvestite prostitutes in San Francisco. Two of the Cambodian prostitutes were now hanging out with us because they were acting as our interpreters as we gave out bold prophetic words. There wasn’t a dry eye around us. The young ladies were in tears as they heard from their heavenly Father. It was powerful. Usually, when we do encounters like that, we keep it low key and under the radar. That night the heavenly Father was just eager to reach out to his precious young girls.

Also got to meet up with old ministry friends, Don and Maria Whitney. Mark Neitz, the Whitneys, and I all met back in Guyana, South America. The Whitney's hosted us in their house. Now the Whitneys are in Cambodia. We all had a great time and stayed at the Whitney's for Thanksgiving.

Out of the starting gate in 2016

In mid-January, through In the Potter’s Hands counseling, we are doing intensive ministry for survivors of severe trauma. In the Potter’s Hands, CARE, and M16 Ministries are partnering for this event and we have the sessions completely booked. This is going to be an incredible and radical life changing time for the survivors.

The end of January, I have been invited to be part of the leadership for XP Ministries,
Operation Extreme Love Outreach, in Las Vegas with Cindy McGill and Patricia King. Those who know me and my ministry know what this is all about. Again, I get blessed with covert ministry. We’re undercover and reaching those the church wouldn’t dare try to reach. That’s why we call these extreme outreaches.

 Patricia King - Extreme Love Outreach Vegas

There you have it! That’s where we’ve been in 2015 and where we’re going in 2016.
Well, time to plan my Daniel Fast. If you want to partner with M16 we need your intercession, blessing for finances, both personal and for the ministry. I am very excited to see what Jesus will reveal during the private fasting time with Him.

Two ways you can financially assist M16 - one hit the donate button to the upper right! Or second, when you shop amazon.com, use the smile.amazon.com portal and select M16 Minsitries as your charity of choice for Amazon to donate your sales proceeds to. They will donate a portion of your sale to M16.


Rev Mike


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