The Supernatural - Through His Word Podcast


Coming soon! The Supernatural - through His Word podcast. This is Rev. Michael Norton of M16 Ministries and I would like to introduce to you an exciting project I've been working on. As a counselor to survivors of severe trauma, and also souls that were living in home environments where parents twisted and abused Holy scripture for mind control, I faced a dilemma of how to reintroduce the scriptures in their true God-loving form. I spoke with my colleagues and my frustration was that these broken souls had no true foundation in the message of the scriptures as Jesus intended them. Facing this uphill battle of weeding out scriptural lies, God laid it on my heart to go through the scriptures. There was no way to start in the middle. We have to go from Genesis to Revelation. At first, I received this as a daunting and huge task, but then God reminded me I was a Bible nerd, and a recovering Charismatic, and an exorcist that has dealt with the occult. As a former Assembly of God pastor and mentor instilled in me with my experiences, He told me to operate radically in the middle. In counseling, I have had theological conversations about our supernatural God that inspired them to go deeper into prayer. This new exciting podcast will highlight the Supernatural of our Lord Jesus Christ and how he interacts with us through the Bible. We will go through scripture and examine the theology as the scribes intended and the Second Temple Hebrews believed the Word to communicate to us. I am currently working on Genesis 1-3, the creation and fall of man. I will publish it very soon. Keep a lookout here for the announcement or on the M16 Ministries Facebook page.

God Bless.

Rev. Mike


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