The Supernatural Through His Word Ep 05 - Genesis 08 - The Flood Subsides


In episode 05 of The Supernatural Through His Word, we dive into Genesis 8 -the flood subsides! In the book of Genesis, chapter 8, we read the account of the deliverance of God's remnant of His creation. The account of God's global deluge subsiding parallels the first account of creation in Genesis chapter 1. 

God remembers Noah and delivers him safely through the judgment. Genesis 8 gives the account of God kick starting creation 2.0 post-deluge.

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Show Notes

Here you'll find my notes and bibliography of the sources I used for the content of this show.

Genesis 8 - The Bible Gateway website

Genesis 8 (Bereishit) - Hebrew and English translation

Dr. Baruch Korman Genesis 8 - youtube

Meredith Kline blog

Genesis Chapter 8 with Commentaries Rabbi Rudomin - youtube  


Till Next Time

Thank you so much for stopping by and listening to the podcast on Genesis 8. Always interesting and fascinating being mined out of the book of Genesis. Please LIKE us on whatever platform you are listening in on. If you have any questions please feel free to leave a comment. We are also on Facebook, M16 Ministries, you can ask questions there as well. I am the missionary with the microphone!

Be blessed, our next installment is Genesis 9, and the nakedness of Noah. Sounds scandalous! Tune in next time and lets find out what is going on!

God Bless

Rev Mike


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