
Showing posts from November, 2009

Night Strike Friday November 20, 2009

What an amazing Night Strike we had on Friday November 20, 2009. The day started off as a beautiful, autumn blustery day, the type where you expect Piglet from Winnie the Pooh to go blowing by your house. As the day went on, the clouds started to darken and the wind started blowing a little bit harder. The winds brought the rain by the evening. We headed into the city, expecting one of two climates, cold rainy and windy, or unusually nice weather. The city of San Francisco tends to have its own microclimate. Elyssa, her sister Natalie, and their friend Ashley, car pooled in with Matt and I, into the city for Night Strike. Riding in with a Night Strike team member is half the fun. It’s a time to catch up with each other on what God’s doing with their ministry. Many times, we team leaders cross over into each other’s ministries to help out each other. Elyssa has been a huge blessing in my M16 Ministry. So I got to catch up with her and Stealth ministry. With the threat of gloomy weat...

Peggy Cole House Fellowship Visit

Monday November 9, we were blessed to have Prophetess Peggy Cole share an evening of fellowship and prophecy at our house. Peggy spoke to an audience of 35 guests. Peggy shared with us some great testimonies of healings she has witnessed in her ministery. Peggy also shared a message of the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord, which is miracles. She also shared a prophecy from a friend hers of the two angels of fullness (of time Luke 1) and overflow (Anointing & presence of the Lord, Joel 2:24). Peggy led a healing session and we had several people receive healings, in their back, ringing in the head, a toe was healed from pain. I vow to give all the Glory to God! It was an exciting evening and those of us wanting prayer and impartation in increase in gifts received it. Many people received good prophetic words in this session. Best of all, Peggy led my two oldest boys in prayer to receive their prayer language. It was an exciting night for all of us. We were all blessed by h...

Westboro Baptist Church Too Big for God?

Is the Westboro Baptist church a problem too big for God? I have heard nothing but outrage by Christians. I have seen my brothers call down the fire and brimstone on Samaria like Jesus us warned us not to do because we would be of the same spirit. What do we do with these people? We send missionaries to 3rd world countries but what happens when people are on a fast track to damnation in our own? Where are the missionaries invading the Starbucks where these people buy coffee. Is it true that these people are going to HELL? I think Jesus would have instructed us otherwise. Paul would have sent people to this town to quietly invade and change the hearts of people in Westboro Baptist. This is a miracle waiting to happen. The fact of the matter is we may have given up on the people of Westboro Baptist because we -MAN- couldn't solve the problem. Why don't we let Jesus take a crack at this one? The apostles were bold! Are there no bold apostles among us to hear the calling in...

Night Strike Friday November 6, 2009

Night Strikes are on the first and third Fridays of the month for November and December. Despite the threat of rain we had a rather beautiful evening in the city. Our youngest son had a sleep over party to go to so that freed up Lisa to come out on the streets with us. Diana came out with us and so did Matt’s friend Brandon. We had a full carload going out to San Francisco last night. A long time family friend from church, Marty Walker, gave us old blankets, clothes and thermal socks to hand out. So we arrived on the scene at the UN Plaza with bags of goods to handout to God’s people on the streets. We had a pretty good turnout for being an off night from the usual Night Strike schedule. Mark Neitz, brought Rolf and Morgan. Jason and Becka and Sam were out. Elyssa and Leah as we as Forrest and Ellen from Vacaville. And not to forget, Shulu, too. The teams were pretty much easy to divide up, since there weren’t large numbers, as was last Night Strike. Ellen and Forrest led a team on...

Baptism of the Holy Spirit and Spiritual Authority

Below is an excerpt from a chapter of my book, Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare. I am posting this here because it is my response to several e-mails I received from individuals in deliverance ministry who believe being Spirit filled isn't a necessity. The argument has been made to me on several occasions where people believe they don’t need to be Holy Spirit filled to cast out demons and pray for healing. This is true, there is power in Jesus name and people can cast out demons on that authority alone. What is intriguing to me is that this argument was posed to me by fellow Christians. In the book of John, Jesus reveals to his believers that unless he full fills the Father’s request to go to the cross to defeat Satan, the Holy Spirit will not be released to us. Jesus needed to return to the Father to be glorified and then he sent the Holy Spirit. 7But I tell you the truth: It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I...

St Teresa of Avila

There are times when I just want to weep when Hollywood misses the greater story altogether. In Ron Howard's film, Angels and Demons, based on the book by Dan Brown, of the Da Vinci Code fame, one of the items in the great hunt is Bernini's magnificent sculpture, Ecstasy of St Teresa. In the film, the marble statue holds a clue to the Illuminati mystery. In real life, the statue depicts an event that is far more incredible than any Hollywood script writer could dream up. Bernini's sculpture depicts the transverberation event of St. Teresa. Transverberation is a church mystic term for a Seraph's assault. Where St. Teresa's heart is pierced with a dart of love by a Seraph angel. "It will happen that while the soul is inflamed with the Love of God, it will feel that a seraph is assailing it by means of an arrow or dart which is all afire with love. And the seraph pierces and in an instant cauterizes this soul, which, like a red-hot coal, or better a flame, is alr...