Westboro Baptist Church Too Big for God?

Is the Westboro Baptist church a problem too big for God? I have heard nothing but outrage by Christians. I have seen my brothers call down the fire and brimstone on Samaria like Jesus us warned us not to do because we would be of the same spirit.

What do we do with these people? We send missionaries to 3rd world countries but what happens when people are on a fast track to damnation in our own? Where are the missionaries invading the Starbucks where these people buy coffee. Is it true that these people are going to HELL?

I think Jesus would have instructed us otherwise. Paul would have sent people to this town to quietly invade and change the hearts of people in Westboro Baptist. This is a miracle waiting to happen.

The fact of the matter is we may have given up on the people of Westboro Baptist because we -MAN- couldn't solve the problem. Why don't we let Jesus take a crack at this one? The apostles were bold! Are there no bold apostles among us to hear the calling in their hearts to quietly invade this town and turn hearts around?

These are people with families and children. Sure there is a spirit of antichrist and a religious spirit here. But every knee will bow in heaven, on earth and under the earth! The greatest miracle of all is the repenting heart.

Don't call down fire and brimstone on these people, why because its Christian witchcraft. Call down heaven into the problem! Pray for God to send the bold apostles. Intercess and ask God for a change of heart in these people. Pray for the divine appointment to talk with someone at a checkout stand or a fastfood restaurant. God loves to perform miracles. But that would mean you would have to be hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit. I know where I would be having a Night Strike if I lived in Topeka, Kansas.


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