M16 Ministries Belated Farewell to 2013

M16 Ministries – Where We’ve Been in 13 and Where We’re Going in 14 

I know it’s February 2014 and here I am finally getting back to what happened in 2013. In my perspective, 2013 was a whirlwind adventure for M16 Ministries. We equipped churches in prophetic street ministry and deliverance. We hosted extreme prophetic ministry outreaches at street fairs and New Age psychic expos. We look for venues that are crying out spiritually. I don’t disclose where we go. But it’s off the hook ministry.

Why do we go to these places?

It takes a special ministry team and God wants to show these people how much He loves them. When we come in the love of the Father we are embraced by the people at these events. They are in turn deeply impacted by the words and destiny spoken over them. IT’s been a long relationship and trust building journey. At these venues, God spoke to around 300 or more people in our encounters booths.

Validation from God at a psychic expo

As many of you know Rev. Lisa and I do minister at Burning Man. We have been a part a lot of incredible miracles and powerful encounters with God –of all places, Burning Man! Yes, God shows up wherever he is invited.

Our team was featured on a Canadian Christian television program called Context.

Burning Man is not an event for everyone to minister at. It’s a pagan festival and there is a spiritual atmosphere and presence there. I will use that disclaimer. Every person who came in for an encounter received a powerful blessing and the love of the heavenly Father.

In 2014, we have several venues planned, but they require funding. If you would like to partner with us we are a 501c3 non-profit.

Night Strike

If you’ve never been on a Night Strike, what are you waiting for? Checkout our Facebook page on where we meet and what to bring out with you.

Facebook Night Strike SF

Night Strike has a rich history in bringing the love of Jesus Christ into the darkest neighborhoods of the city of San Francisco. Every 2nd and 4th Friday night of the month (except November and December we meet the 1st and 3rd Friday) the Night Strike prophetic and service evangelistic street ministry teams takes to the streets to bring the love of the heavenly Father to the people of San Francisco. Night Strike team members minister to the poor, the homeless, drug addicts and prostitutes we encounter on the streets on Friday nights. Many Night Strike participants are hooked on this ministry from their very first time of participating.

Spiritual Freedom Ministry

M16 Ministries has probably ministered to well over a thousand people now since we started back in 2009. Unofficially, we go back to 2007. Since then we have been flooded with requests for spiritual freedom ministry. Our criteria for ministry is to take on only cases where the individuals in torment have nowhere else to turn. These include extreme deliverance, and hauntings, or cases requiring exorcism.  At the same time we offered help to minor cases of spiritual bondage through Cleansing Streams classes. As you can see, we had to triage and minister where we could. We couldn’t get to everybody. We also referred people to local sozo and deliverance teams depending on the spiritual needs.

For the past two years, prayer ministry has become a full time position for me. This means Lisa, my ministry team partner, had to take up the slack financially for the family and take on 3 jobs to keep this ministry going. The spiritual warfare arm of M16 Ministries is not financially supported by any church, grants, or charitable organization. It is the most requested and demanding charter of the ministry. In 2013, we offered free prayer ministry to all who came for help in deliverance. We ministered to well over a thousand people since we started in 2007. Because our model of having Rev. Lisa work and no other source of income we have had to change our position in 2014. We are going to charge for deliverance ministry to keep the organization alive and the ministry to be self-sustaining.  This came to us at great pain, we loved the model of freely give and freely receive. But the ministry would disappear altogether if we didn’t start charging for prayer ministry service. I researched local sozo and deliverance ministry teams and priced our prayer sessions to within the going rates. Again it’s not a greed thing. It’s all about keeping the electrical power on at home and relieving the stress on Rev. Lisa working a ton of jobs.  We became an organization begging for money to help others. While people were receiving freedom at no cost to them, we were financially bleeding. Hope you can see the trade offs and why we moved to charging for this ministry in 2014.

Prayer Ministry to Survivors of Severe Trauma and Abuse

Two years ago we slowly entered into ministering to survivors of severe trauma.  This ministry has started to ramp up too. These traumas include, sexual abuse, spiritual and ritual abuse, and mind control. Back in July of 2013, I spent two weeks as an intern at CARE in Michigan to receive training for prayer ministry to survivors of Satanic ritual abuse and mind control involving demonic strongholds. Through prayer ministry we have seen fractured souls re-integrate and people being made whole through the ministry of Jesus Christ. Some of these individuals we meet with once or twice a week for up to 2 or more hours per session.

In 2014, we are seeing a lot of movement in the survivors healing ministry.
I spoke for the first time on survivor prayer ministry back in January of 2014. There is momentum and interest in what we are doing in Christian counseling and prayer ministry for severe trauma.

Spring is a busy time for our extreme prophetic ministry. We have purchased our booth spot for one large venue in the Bay area. We are also praying for funding for two other venues. We will need about $1000 to reach that goal. Burning Man 2014 we are praying for this year. We need $3000 to return to Burning Man. The funds aren’t there and we’re praying for them to manifest. In the mix of all this we are still offering prayer ministry in deliverance and inner healing. We thank you for being a supporter of M16 Ministries.  Thank you for partnering and praying for us. If you feel on your heart to contribute many people would be blessed.

Help us to reach others or sponsor a prayer session for someone.

How to partner with us. or check out our donate button on the right sidebar of this blog!
That was a lot to pack into a blog. I wanted you see that we've been busy.

Be blessed!

Rev. Mike


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