Spiritual Warfare and Mystical Theology - Inner Castle Sixth Dwelling Places

The following is a video segment from the Friday January 17 Equipping for Spiritual Warfare sessions that were held in Redding, Ca through Bob and Kimberly Johnson Ministries.

The video and audio aren't so great on this. I record sessions on my iphone to review for what I need do better in future talks. So this is M16 Ministries raw and unplugged - so to speak.

It was a 2 day seminar on spiritual warfare. On Friday evening I spoke extensively on the subject of mystical theology and Saint Teresa of Avila's Interior Castle. Here is a segment on the Sixth dwelling places and how I tie the states of mystical theology back into states of torment used by the enemy. I share stories from M16 Ministries past warfare experiences in these as well.


Mystical Theology Sixth DP from Michael Norton on Vimeo.


Rev. Mike

For more information on curse breaking, read our book on spiritual warfare.

A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare - the Power to PULL the IMPOSSIBLE from the HEAVENLY REALMS

If you would like to contact us to come equip your church follow this link,
Contact M16 Ministires


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