M16 Ministries News and Updates for May 2014
I can't believe June is almost here. Where did the first couple of months of 2014 go? We're a small but very busy ministry. As most of you know, I have been pulled in from my old career for full time ministry. That cut my ministry team in half, Lisa is working 3 jobs now to keep the finances in the black for our household. A lot of my ministry has been solo, hopefully only for the time being, until we can work out this Holy re-org with finances no longer coming in as they once did in the software engineering career. Needless to say, I have been very busy and haven't really had time to produce a newsletter. I have broken down our activities in the following sections. Night Strike For everyone who has come out and supported Night Strike ministry - BLESSINGS to you! It's an incredible ministry that goes out on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of every month and we minister to the homeless, drug addicts, and prostitutes on the streets of San Francisco. We work around, but are...