Night Strike Supernatural Ministry Friday May 9 2014

Night Strike Recap for Friday May 09 2014

Sometimes I wish I could go out more often on the streets and help serve these incredible people. It was another phenomenal night on the streets. The ferocious May winds were causing a horrible chill. Yes, the worst time to be in San Francisco is in May. Market Street was a wind tunnel. Some of our friends who endure the rain were already packing up and seeking shelter from the piercing wind. It was cold!

We had a great time on the streets ministering to the people. One gentleman, Bob, who found the M16 Ministries web site, brave the winds to come meet us at the plaza and find out what we're all about.

Rick and Rich, along with my son, Josh, and a woman, I believe her name was Kate, set off for the Tenderloin. Brian, Mary, Lori (Happy Birthday!!), Mike, and Missty, went down Market St. I took a team, Dennis, Michelle, Dale, Cindy, and Bob went over to the Bill Graham. We encountered lots of people on the streets. Some more clever and fortunate individuals were setting up tents under the shelter of the Bill Graham building.

During the evening, while our team was ministering, we came across a woman sitting over a heater vent above an underground parking structure. She had a sweatshirt and a sheet wrapped around her and that's all she had. It's not protection at all from the wind that was out there. I started speaking with her and I noticed right away she had dissociative identity disorder. The part that was present I prayed with using the word, Her Creator, instead of God. Not knowing what her spiritual background was. She made sign of the cross with her hands, and then kissed her hands like she was holding a rosary in it. Right away, I was able to pray in Jesus name with her. The identity that protects her went down inside and I was able to speak to the woman. I offered her my jacket since she was in way unprepared to endure the cold wind all night. Well, there goes my heavy Night Strike jacket! It was completely blessed so I know it will be juiced up enough to keep her warm through the night.

On our way back to the UN Plaza we made one stop and it was a divine appointment. It turned out to be a spiritual warfare training lab for the team. We came across another woman lying on an exhaust vent. I knelt down and asked if I could pray with her. She said yes and informed me she was having seizures. She said she didn't want to go to the hospital she wanted to stay right where she was at. I started praying for her seizures to stop. As I did this, another woman lying next to her started spouting of obscenities at us. Pretty much was a demon with emphasis on explicit adjectives to the Christian names. She got louder as I quietly prayed over the woman for the seizures to stop. The woman with the seizures started spouting some foul stuff too but the spirits in her subsided as I prayed over her (see Mark 9:14-29). The woman was totally relaxed and the seizures stopped when we were through praying for her.

Dennis, at the same spot, was praying for a gentleman named Russ (Raus?). Russ had respiratory issues. Dennis and I prayed quietly for Russ, then the loud vile woman started piping in again. As we prayed, I quietly whispered, "In the name of Jesus Christ I bind that spirit to shut up." Completely out of ear reach or decibel range. At that exact moment, the woman, shut up, if not in mid sentence, of whatever it was she was spewing forth in vocabulary. And we finished praying for Russ. We don't know if Russ was healed, but he did say he could breath better.

Like I said it was a really awesome lab night in spiritual warfare for warriors to learn their authority first hand. We never know what kind of night we step into until we show up on the scene for a Night Strike.

Added: Brian's Team update

What a night to night with night strike. Ran into a demon possessed guy I'd seen another time was a little less high on drugs this time started talking about how he sees demons. Tried doing some deliverance but he was not willing... will hit him again. 

Ran into another young guy, OMG ,asked what church I went to... grew up in the area Vacaville new of the mission and the father's house and had read some of Graham Cooks books, started telling me he was a prophet...had been to bethal... touched by the holy spirit at one point. Was in a rough spot due to sin and drugs... told us about his Angel... OMG laid hands on him did some deliverance called his prophetic Calling forth and slammed him with the fire of toungs... first the demons came out, then he got healing, then he's shaking and laughing under the power of the holy spirit. Whoa whoa whoa Awesome. 

Then Prophisied to his calling in the kingdom. Majorly impacted him with heavens mandate. Jesus!

Added note that night I had a real powerful dream, probably second most in my life to date! In regards to the first demon possessed guy. Jesus Is King.

This is what we do and why I love walking in power.

Pray for Joseph!

Our dates and times are posted on M16 Ministries web site and our Facebook page. 

God Bless

Rev. Mike


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