M16 Ministries News and Updates for May 2014

I can't believe June is almost here. Where did the first couple of months of 2014 go? We're a small but very busy ministry. As most of you know, I have been pulled in from my old career for full time ministry. That cut my ministry team in half, Lisa is working 3 jobs now to keep the finances in the black for our household. A lot of my ministry has been solo, hopefully only for the time being, until we can work out this Holy re-org with finances no longer coming in as they once did in the software engineering career.

Needless to say, I have been very busy and haven't really had time to produce a newsletter. I have broken down our activities in the following sections.

Night Strike 

For everyone who has come out and supported Night Strike ministry - BLESSINGS to you! It's an incredible ministry that goes out on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of every month and we minister to the homeless, drug addicts, and prostitutes on the streets of San Francisco. We work around, but are not limited to, the Tenderloin area and the civic center area of San Francisco. Night Strike has an operating cost of about $400 per month in supplies. We have a church that has graciously taken us on as an urban mission and provide a steady monthly provision for 1/8 the cost of Night Strike. What we give out on Night Strike goes beyond the food and supplies. Many people on the streets receive prophetic words and some receive healing. For others its just nice for a change, for a person to stop and have conversation with someone. We have encountered spiritual activity on Night Strike as well and have worked with that when it arises. The most important thing our team delivers to the streets is the heavenly Fathers love to a person who has deemed themselves to be worthless. Which is a lie from the enemy. We encourage you to come out to a Night Strike with us. If you're a church that supports urban missions we would love to speak with you. We are in need of churches, people and institutions that want to give financially or participate. Again, come on out to the streets with us and see the Father's love in action.

Night Strike is a blast! No matter how much warfare I experience during the week, Night Strike ministry pulls me right out of it. It is an awesome evening of supernatural ministry and anything can happen on the streets - and usually does!



M16 Ministries' major charter is equipping. We know we're way out there with some of the things we do and our hearts are for empowering others in the body of Christ for ministry too. In January, I spoke at a seminar in Redding, Ca, for Bob and Kimberly Johnson ministries, on Advance Spiritual Warfare. Our ministry noticed there is a huge chasm between what the church has traditionally come to believe to be deliverance and exorcism. In our equipping class, I explain the difference between, deliverance, the casting out of low level demons, and exorcism, battles with angelic beings.

In April. M16 Ministries equipped ministers to go into New Age and psychic fairs to minister. There is a special white gloves approach of ministering in these venues to build relationships with these people. We train ministers for these venues at our equipping classes. These are the people we take on our outreaches.

Prophetic Ministry Outreaches

These are covert outreaches. We never advertise where we are at or where we are going. In some places we have an established set of guests who come looking for us for ministry. At these events, we give the heavenly Father's guests a first hand taste of a spiritual encounter. At the last outreach, we had 250 non-Christians come to our booth and get ministered to. Out of those, we saw incredible healings, 4 people received hearing back in deaf ears. Some people received healing from back pain, we had one person have their nodes in their throat dissolve. One woman had a full on encounter with Jesus, who presented himself as a lamb. There was one man with dissociative identity disorder who had a little boy part healed by Jesus. So there are a lot of things going on at these outreaches. I only recruit people for these outreaches from Night Strike ministry. So if you want to be involved in something like this I need to know who you are -by regularly attending Night Strike.

The last outreach we made enough money on tips to be sent to our next covert destination. However, our money for outreaches is now exhausted for the year. And these encounters are extremely important!

Spiritual Warfare

One of M16 Ministries primary charters is dealing with intense spiritual warfare. These are cases that fall in areas where the basic church understanding of deliverance fails or is too dangerous for the pastoral staff to be involved in. By this I mean the occult and battles outside the jurisdiction of our spiritual authority. We have a lot of cases we work through each year and it's tough to respond to all of them. We're special ops so we select the cases that require special ops ministers. This wing of the ministry which is pretty intensive and is not funded at all. Most people come to us believing we are part of a large church ministry. We have a church covering, but we are not funded nor belong to a large church ministry.

We started out with a lot of deliverance ministry, recently with the church starting to embrace deliverance, with wonderful programs like Cleansing Streams, I am diverting people in that direction. Getting educated in basic deliverance and learning to walk in your own authority helps people stay cleaned up. I still volunteer as a Cleansing Streams minister.

In this capacity, I still operate as an exorcist. We get lots of requests for exorcisms, but I filter through the requests and try to determine which is applicable. I usually don't respond to requests for exorcisms unless some sort of medical proof is provided that experiences are not natural and an expert believes the cause is beyond physical resolution. I am the biggest skeptic when people approach me about having a demon. I want 100% proof before I consider working with them in the direction of exorcism.


If you're church would like training in spiritual warfare, deliverance, advance spiritual warfare, or prophetic outreach ministry, send an e-mail to me and we'll coordinate times. Summer is coming quickly. Let's book something on the calendar!

As for our own personal training, I need to work with others out of state for furthering my development in ministry. Either go back to CARE, Restoration in Christ Ministries, or pursue an advance Heart Sync class. The funding is zero here. May not happen this year.

I always believe in working side by side with the best of the best. Last year, I had the privilege to work alongside CARE, in Baldwin Michigan. Learning how to heal women from ritual abuse and mind control.

Prayer Ministry


Most of my ministry time these days is focused on prayer ministry with dissociate identity disorder (DID), from long term severe childhood trauma, or ritual abuse (RA). I work in the capacity as prayer minister with parts, work with de-programming parts from mind control, and help heal parts to make them whole through the ministry of Jesus Christ. Under this capacity, I also work as a spiritual director, working with numerous parts in one person, to lead them to Jesus, or to work with them where they're at in their own prayer development. Many identities in one person can have numerous states of interior prayer life development. This work is intensive, a lot of these parts are volatile. This ministry is very long term pastoral care. Many churches miss the mark in believing basic deliverance will help these people living in this torment and this is an inaccurate notion on the church's part. Some women I have worked with were thrown out by their pastors because they tried to use deliverance on a human part and it wouldn't work. This ministry is not limited to ritual abuse survivors. I am also working with young women who survived the foster care system and we raped repeatedly there. This is one ministry component I wish I could win the lottery on. There is little, to no funding.

Also, in this ministry, we are in intense warfare. The enemy doesn't like us removing women off of his altars. The warfare in this ministry is insanely intense. INTENSE!!! The enemy loves destroying finances to all the ministries involved here.

DID RA ministry requires meeting once a week, where a lot of inner healing occurs, but healing form DID can takes months to years. If anyone knows how to fund or bring in a grant, or a financial scholarship donation for these women - Would love to speak with you.

So now you know how busy we have been, Whew!!! Thank you so much for participating with us. We're small, experiencing tremendous growing pains and we could really use your prayers.

Also, please help support our ministry!!! ©2014 Michael J. Norton


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