Prophetic Ministry and Fractured Souls

In this installment, I would like to address a situation I have witnessed far too many times now in my counseling sessions with survivors of severe trauma and ritual abuse. Souls that are struggling with Dissociative Identity Disorder (D.I.D.), what I refer to as a fractured soul, can have what is called a Christian host. That is a primary presenter, in the multiple identity fabric of consciousness that is saved and has a spiritual life. Because dissociation occurs in children who experience prolonged trauma in their childhood stages of development. Some identities in the system, when the person is an adult, tend to have a Christian host that is seeking healing from Jesus, and deep inside the consciousness of the soul, there are also parts that hate Jesus and want nothing to do with Him. This duplicity exists for two primary reasons, one the child may have called out to Jesus for help when the trauma was occurring and received no help, or two, a false Jesus was involved in ritual abuse trauma. So there are some very angry children parts or identities inside these individuals, that need counseling and spiritual direction, to walk them out of their repetitive cycle of trauma. These souls can be at church on a Sunday morning, trying to praise and worship God, while another tormenting inner struggle is going on for parts being angry at Jesus and wanting to walk out of the church. Some ritual abuse survivors are programmed to vehemently reject any teaching regarding Jesus. Sorry for the long introduction, but I want to paint an initial picture of what I would like to address next - Christians prophesying and doing deliverance on fractured souls.

Let’s address Christians prophesying over fractured souls first. I need to reinforce the fundamental concept here that there are fractured parts of the soul that are angry at Jesus. Jesus can and does heal these parts over a period of time. He walks them out of this torment to heal them. Jesus does not instantaneously heal fractured souls. Why? Because Jesus honors free will of the soul even in a fractured soul. When you accepted Jesus, He wooed you and pursued your heart. This is the same thing he does for fractured souls. When a well-meaning Christian prophesies over a fractured person that Jesus will instantaneously heal them, or bring full healing in a year, this is not from God but from the soul. It aligns biblically, but it is not how Jesus heals. By the way, in my prophetic training, it was taught as a faux pas to tell someone that they would be healed in a certain amount of time. As we work with fractured souls, we would love to know a faster way for healing, but so far, it has always been at the pace Jesus sets. Each session is a supernatural session for counseling where we see healing. However, my worst sessions of counselling are when a D.I.D. soul comes to me and is in torment because of a word prophesied to them at a Sunday evening prophetic meeting or conference. The parts that are angry and pop up in the session are the ones who fear being forcefully removed by Jesus because someone delivered a soul-ish prophetic word of instant miraculous healing. The identity is slowly turning to Jesus but hasn’t decided yet to make Him their Lord and Savior.

And boom!

Now they think Jesus is going to violate their free will. These souls won’t easily release the prophecy and will obsess over it. I have had some souls I worked with who have obsessed, for decades, over untrue prophetic words from famous conference speakers in the prophetic. It’s not the fault of the prophetic minister because they don’t know the person is D.I.D.  If you know someone is struggling with D.I.D., refrain from giving them a prophetic word on healing. This is one way Satan uses the gifts of the church to cause damage on a fractured soul. My prophetic words are simple, Jesus loves the part, and He is proud how strong the parts are. A D.I.D.-der will even push you for a prophetic word. Remember, these soul fractures are still children. They must have proper spiritual direction to learn to hear God for them self. And by that, I mean able to read the word and hear the gentle urges of the Holy Spirit and know the indwelling voice of God. One D.I.D.der I work with has a 5 year Christian host presenter. This individual is in a charismatic church. The 5 year old has mimicked all the fake experiences they have witnessed during church service. It has been a difficult climb up a steep mountain to unteach this person that God is completely experiential in this manner. By this I mean visions and prophetic words from the Holy Spirit constantly. The healing has been hindered because this soul doesn’t understand how to connect with God on the simplest basis. The soul is in a state of fabricating false spiritual experiences.

If you are working with a trauma survivor, avoid the charismatic prophetic words. These are fractured souls of children in an adult and they don’t know how to process bad prophetic words. To them, they think Jesus has forsaken them because they were bad. Which, spins the wheels of healing backwards in ministry session and counseling. I don’t know how many times I have shared this with families I work with of the severely traumatized, and they still don’t get the message. A D.I.D.-der needs to stay in an almost spiritually sterile environment as they heal. Prophesying over an unsaved part puts a mantle on them that they’re not ready for. It sets back the healing. I have had big guns from the prophetic speak over fractured souls, because the fractured person sought it out, or worse yet, their family members did, and we had to work to stabilize the internal damage that was done. I have worked with some individuals who weren’t even saved and families did this to them. I can understand the urgency, but also respect the process that Jesus uses. Jesus is going to heal the fractured soul and make them whole. But they must want it first. Pick up your mat and walk!

When someone, whom you know is D.I.D., asks you to hear from God, direct them to hear from God on their own. When they learn to connect with God they can begin to hear internally, what are spiritual lies from the enemy, and what is truth about them and their healing. The goal is to make the soul better off in their healing. We can't comprehend all the internal dynamics that goes on with D.I.D., but one thing that has surfaced is that the enemy turns prophetic ministry against the healing soul.

That's all for now...

Like's like I will need to discuss deliverance with fractured souls in another segment. There was a lot of information on prophetic ministry alone, right here.

Well, that's enough for now. Hope this was beneficial.

Rev. Mike 

paper back - A Field Guide to Advanced Spiritual Warfare - Deliverance, Exorcism, Healing the Effects of Ritual Abuse.

Kindle - A Field Guide to Advanced Spiritual Warfare - Deliverance, Exorcism, Healing the Effects of Ritual Abuse. (eBook)

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A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare - the Power to PULL the IMPOSSIBLE from the HEAVENLY REALMS


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