M16 Ministries Checking In August 2017

Some of you may be wondering where M16 Ministries went after we stopped doing Night Strike on the streets of San Francisco. Well, we didn't go away and close our doors. We received new marching orders, back in 2015 (Night Strike Ministry is Coming to an End) from God in the direction we were to pursue.

Since 2013 God has had the ministry slowly re-align into Christian counseling, at In the Potter's Hands with Toni Taigen. In this role, M16 Ministries has been working with some very dark spiritual warfare cases. The ministry gets referrals from other churches and counselors on cases involving survivors of severe trauma, and ritual abuse. What one of my pastoral friends refers as sending me cases "above his pay grade".

As the ministry went into darker waters of spiritual warfare, I became less and less unable to share testimonies. Oh, we've got testimonies, and they're amazing. I just can't publically share them as I could with Night Strike. These are personal testimonies of being healed and delivered from horrific and traumatizing events in peoples lives. Again, these are healings from trauma in trafficking, and ritual abuse (both Christian and Satanic).

Although the ministry is ramping up, I still work 40-50 hours a week in my full-time secular job. In the evening, once I get off work I have about a 20-minute drive to decompress and re-align my thoughts to start counseling with survivors. On the weekends, I do skype calls to clients who are survivors. Because of the workload, I screen a lot of people who come to me for assistance. Sadly, I do turn people away.I have to balance my workload, sanity, sleep, and family life. I can't help everybody.

The ministry has its challenges, because of dealing with the supernatural, the ritually programmed fractured soul (dissociated identity disorder), and occasional possession, I can't share a lot of what I do. The greatest challenge is dealing with the fractured heart where the soul rejects Jesus. In my old deliverance days, this would be called rejection of the Holy Spirit, and the rule of thumb was to send the person away if they denied the Holy Spirit. In healing fractured souls, you receive a lot of people who are rejecting God for not receiving a healing and refusing to call out to Him for help. So you are left with the task of spiritual direction in slowly evangelizing a fractured heart while you ministry pastoral care in healing. Because of the severe brokenness of these hearts and souls, you deal with their constant lie of hopelessness and their constant numbing desire to end it all. The fore front of the battle field in spiritual warfare is hopelessness. And it's in the front pews of every church. It's just not addressed. But in defense of the church, I don't believe the church understands what these people are dealing with in their darkness - on a daily basis.

The ministry is also working with Why Not Now ministries, Mark Neitz of Night Strike, in Cambodia. We're working to equip pastors in healing survivors of trafficking. Hoping to make it out there soon with a counseling team. If you would like to help in financially partnering, click the donate button on our page here.

Well, that's where we've been since we left the streets. I miss street ministry, but I got re-aligned on the battlefield. M16 Ministries didn't go away; we became Ghost Recon so to speak. Not much sleep these days, praying for break through to move full time into counseling. But that paperwork needs to be stamped and cleared by my boss in heaven.

M16 Ministries is still speaking at events and churches, guest on Demonology Today radio show, and I have a new book coming out soon, very excited about this one, A Field Guide to Advance Spiritual Warfare. Stay tuned for news on that!!

Well, that's enough for now. Hope this was beneficial.

Rev. Mike

Get your very own copy of A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare!

A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare - the Power to PULL the IMPOSSIBLE from the HEAVENLY REALMS


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