Do You Suffer from Deliverance Dependancy Syndrome?

Deliverance Dependancy Syndrome. I know it sounds like a late night television commercial. “Are you suffering from Deliverance Dependancy Syndrome, have you been exposed to a generational curse? Then call the law offices of Strongman, Cheatsem and Howe”. I am having a bit of fun with you but I do want to highlight and issue in deliverance ministry I see becoming more and more mainstream. The issue I would like to see corrected is the Deliverance Dependancy Syndrome, DDS. This is a name I made up to address a stereotype of people seeking deliverance and turning it into counseling sessions. I could give you a definition, but instead, let me provide you with the classic DDS scenario I am encountering far too frequently. A person with DDS will attend a deliverance prayer meeting to be set free from their soul-ish shackles and made whole. Only this isn't there desired intention for coming to the meeting. When an issue is brought to the surface, by the gifts of the Spirit,  I ask the person if they want to be set free of this, now!, by the power of the Holy Spirit. The person will then interrupt and interject, “Oh no. This problem is complicated and thick, like an onion skin. The Holy Spirit is going to be gentle with me and heal me over a period of time.”

It's right there I hear the sound of an old record player needle scratching across a playing 45. Vrriiippp! My prayer focus is lost and I my jaw hits the floor. It's not what the demons say that astonishes me, but what comes out of the mouths of Christians. They then try to turn the prayer session into a counseling session. I am not a counselor, I am a prayer -warrior!

Someone put this notion into this person's head. Did it come from another Deliverance ministry? As deliverance is re-entering into the church are we doctrinal-izing something as simple and pure as the Gospel and deliverance?

We have a spirit responsible for everything now! No need to press in with Jesus and seal your soul with a strong indestructible relationship. You don't need to go to your prayer room and talk with the Father about the issues you struggle with in your life. Because it's all the fault of a generational spirit. What are we doing?

If someone comes out and starts teaching on a spirit that causes married men to look at other women, and they can be delivered from it, I am going to shave my head and join a monastery. Life is about struggle, temptation and seeking God on all matters. A man looking at other women is one of these life soul struggles we men deal with on a daily basis. All matters can and should be taken to God. He's your heavenly Father he wants to hear from you.

Deliverance ministry is an important part of our walk with Christ. You hear the Gospel, get saved, and then delivered from your past. Which includes the generational curses. But where did the notion of a time frame come from? It's complicated, like an onion, or you must endure this for 2 more years. Some black belt deliverance ministries actually teach this too.

The root of my gripe is that I have seen people receive inner and physical healing, by prayer, in the name of Jesus Christ. I have now met 2 people who had stage 4 colon cancer and were miraculously healed INSTANTLY in a healing room. I have prayed for people who received instant healing and some who are receiving a slow progressive healing. But never has the Holy Spirit told me that the problem is complex like an onion and has to be removed in layers. I call this Shrek theology, after the Ogre in Shrek, who described himself complex, like an onion. Never has the Holy Spirit told me it will take some time. Or that is was complicated, like an onion and had to be removed in layers. I have prayed for people -on the streets and seen depression lifted from them instantaneously because they had the Faith that Jesus would remove it from them. One prayer!

We need to abandon this mentality from deliverance ministry that, one, you speak a curse over a person and tell them their deliverance will take some time. This is adding more chains to their shackles. Second, we go to the cross with our problems and not glorify spirits for being the root of our issues. God gave us authority to fight the powers of darkness. The deliverance 12-step program doesn't seem to equip the Christian in the fight. To clarify my argument, there is deliverance and there is the 12-step deliverance program. One involves miracles, signs and wonders, and the other is watered down with the reasoning and expectations of man.

Telling a DDS sufferer that they have a long time to go in their battle only fuels them for more self pity. They will go from Christian to Christian, deliverance ministry to deliverance ministry, draining prayer teams. They don't want to be healed. The DDS sufferer just wants you to partner in their suffering. By doing so they drain you so you can't focus on others who need prayer.

The Bible provided us with everything we need to know about deliverance. It is part of the Church charter. Preach the Gospel and the miracles signs and wonders will follow. The miracle of a repenting heart is powerful and it does bring deliverance. If you truly believe you are complicated like an onion go spend time in your prayer room and talk to the Father. Ask the light of Jesus to invade your darkness. It's not a 12-step program that's going to heal you its quality time with Jesus. If you're Christian and you don't feel you have a strong relationship with Jesus or you don't talk with him, maybe this is the time to start. Open the gates of your soul with prayer and seek Jesus. He is there waiting for you. And you can be made whole. Start by getting yourself delivered from DDS by praying in your prayer room. What do you have to lose, your costly depression medication prescription? Yes, we have seen people delivered, by the glory and power of the Holy Spirit, from DDS. And their doctors recommended lowering and even going off their medication. They lost their prescription and gained responsibility of their own lives in its place. There is a trade off.


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