Partial-Possession - No Such Thing!

As a minister involved in spiritual warfare, my favorite past time is arm chair quarter backing so-called experts on paranormal shows. I don't come out and say things too often about these shows. This time I need to though. The shows are leaning more and more to getting “THEE” demonic experience to show their viewers.

A lot of these shows are self-professed experts in the supernatural. Attending a demonology seminar, operating a K2 meter, a digital microphone and digital video camera doesn't make you an expert on the supernatural. One of the shows that absolutely makes me cringe is “Ghost Adventures”. The adventures of 3 investigating dudes, Zac, Nick and Aaron. It has the friendly California, surfer turned investigator feel which makes the show appealing. They're like the extreme snowboarders going out and having the extreme supernatural experience and capturing it on video. But the message this delivers is extreme danger, especially with the popularity of ghost hunting and paranormal investigation that is flooding our media.

The danger that lies in this show is the lead person on the team Zac, is purposely exposing himself to demonic activity to get a supernatural experience and capture it for the show's viewers. In season 2, the boys went to Preston Castle, in Ione, California, which is nearly in my backyard, to do an investigation. As per paranormal tv show format there is the initial walk through with the investigators and the on grounds guide. During this episode I believe the team walked through with an investigator from Ghost Trackers, who are based out near Ione. The investigator was scratched by a demon, and she had photos to prove the event. Now, our paranormal expert, Zac, pipes in “Wow! Three scratches. That's mocking the trinity.” Nearly every episode Zac reminds us of this when he sees a scratch. Remember back to season one, where our illustrious expert got scratched at Bobby Mackey's (the well with the gateway to hell)? Then Zac went to Kentucky to speak with exorcist Bishop Long. Bishop Long pointed out that the three scratches mock the Holy Trinity. OK, so Zac got some professional advice.

So the guys repeatedly get scratched in various episodes and we are reminded of Zac's tid bit of demon knowledge. Now, what's going on here? In my experience with offensively engaging the demonic, spirits will not scratch me in these environments. I spent time quietly with the Heavenly Father, when I am not in battle, which helps me during the times I am in battle. Touching me is not allowed! It's called kingdom authority. I have entered buildings, where people warned me before entering that a demon will throw something at me immediately. But it doesn't happen when I show up on site. It's the time spent with the Father in heaven that is the difference. I also may pray for up to a week before I enter a site. I would not think of going to such a place just to shoot video and investigate. If I am summoned there, I will go to assist someone being oppressed and to witness the Glory of God.

With the Ghost Adventures team they are getting scratched because they are collecting oppressing demons at these sites. The Disney Land Haunted Mansion ride has it right. Demons hitchhike. I have worked in over 100 cases involving demonic oppression. I learned from the battlefield and the Holy Spirit and not from a ghost hunting seminar on demonology. The information found there is useless if don't have a relationship with the creator of the universe, God the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit.

Ghost hunters collect demons at these sites, want to know how M16 knows? Some of our local ghost hunting friends have called us to help clean them up. We're the dirty little secret in the paranormal community -Christians are removing demons from paranormal investigators. I know we're supposed to be those close minded individuals. Think what you want demons don't like us. They know the M16 team is walking in our spiritual authority. You must completely understand what you are dealing with. This a spiritual battle between, Jesus, the angels, creation (us) and the fallen (Satan and his demons). There is no universalist approach to spiritual warfare. That's how you get hurt and oppressed.

The term our ministry uses for demons hitchhiking is “cling-ons”. When you step on site where there is demonic activity you are picking up some nasty demons. They don't stay at the site, they send friends home with you. Demons like to be near bodies to attempt to possess them. When the demons are nearby this is an oppression and not a possession. Possession is rare while oppression is common. Demons can speak and manifest with oppression. Oppression can get very nasty and appear to be possession. What Zac demonstrates is demonic oppression. This is dangerous. You don't willfully allow a demon to enter your body for the sake of the experience. The experience isn't over in 5 minutes. As Zac falsely demonstrated in the Preston Castle episode. It goes home with you and it stays with you. It can outlive you and stay in your family and the oppression can last for generations.

Have you ever wondered why, in these shows, people in a haunted house think a family member who committed suicide is still in the house? The fact of the matter is the deceased family member moved on to the after life. What is lingering is the demon, masquerading as the person who committed suicide. It is most likely, the same demon who caused the person to take their own life. The demon is now oppressing another family member, masquerading as a ghost. This is a spirit of death and it wants everyone dead. The demon must be renounced and commanded to leave the house and the family line FOREVER!

Regarding the scratching as a form of oppression. The scratching is a manifestation of a demonized person (with cling-ons) entering a dwelling with other demons. The hierarchy of the demonic is a lot like a street gang. You can't bring gang members from one house into a another without a fight or a disturbance. A lot of this doesn't sound like anything you learned at the paranormal conference demonology 101 class does it? This information comes from battlefield experience.

Now we know demons can cling on us and oppress us when we leave the site. What about this partial possession thing? There is no such thing as partial possession. If a spirit is taking over your body, you already have a spiritual problem before you entered the site. You are under a severe demonic oppression. Time to get some prayer and have it removed from you and FOREVER close this door you foolishly opened. Second, in our experience with demonic possession, the spirits were invited in. Getting them out is harder then allowing them in. They don't relinquish conquered territory -it's called spiritual warfare. So if you think a spirit leaves you, as in a partial possession, you don't have the proper respect for the powers you are tampering with.

I hate to beat up on Zac and the lads, but he is misleading his viewers into some dangerous territory with his experiences. And young naïve viewers are soaking up everything these guys do. Let's jump to another season 2 episode, “The Ancient Ramm Inn”. Zac visits England, near Stonehenge, where a house has a history of pagan rituals. He has a local witch perform a ritual for an incubus to come possess him. When I saw the ritual being played on the show I immediately fast forwarded over this part. The demonic can travel across the broadcast and into your house. This was incredibly irresponsible as far as this so-called paranormal investigation goes. I know some viewers received more than they bargained for on this episode. People oppressed or open to oppression can receive this over the airwaves.

My opinion is that Zac is definitely loaded up with demons by now. When Zac voluntarily allowed himself to go through the ritual for the demon of perversion, this is the primary way to get yourself possessed. You must invite it in. As for the incubus, he needs to go get that exorcised, or receive some deliverance prayer, as well as the other cling-ons. Zac invited in some of the worst demons into his body. These will stay in his family for generations. The incubus will bring perversion as well as unknown afflictions with it. The witch said the ritual would eventually wear off. Fat chance! These things must be ordered to leave.

Still sold on “partial-possession”? Well, I don't know what else I can tell you to convince you. If you think you're demonically oppressed from ghost hunting I recommend ceasing all activity in the paranormal and get some help. It will only get worse. A demon wants you dead. That is its mission, sickness and death. There is an answer in this fight. Jesus came into this world to defeat the works of the devil. Jesus tossed Satan and his rebelling demons out of Heaven. Jesus left us with supernatural authority over the powers of darkness.


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