Guardian Angel Holding Chains

Sunday, January 31, 2009 I drove up to Grass Valley to Gospel Life Ministries to listen to Mark Neitz share the Gospel. Jason and Bekah Amarant, of Lion's Pride ministries were there too. From our friendship and involvement in Night Strike and our overseas missions we always travel in our groups to hear each other speak or worship.

We each had nearly a 3 hour drive our from homes to Gospel Life Ministries. I managed to time the drive to get their about 20 minutes before the service started. Mark elected to spend the night in Grass Valley on Saturday to avoid the early AM wake up and long drive. The Amarant's and I elected for the early morning drive.

While waiting for the service to start at Gospel Life, I had the opportunity to spend some time and talk with Mark and Coy Nix as the people started coming in to take their seats. One woman in particular, Sarah, caught my attention in the spirit. Sometimes, people walk by and God points them out to you. You don't know why, you only know God stirred something in your spirit and be prepared to listen.

The Gospel Life service commenced with worship to God to invite the presence of one into the building. In my spirit I must always stand and honor God during worship. I can never sit down during any worship. Fortunately, this was one of those churches where everybody stands and sings too.

As the presence of the Holy Spirit entered the room, I got the sensation to turn my head to the left. And a row behind me was Sarah. And not just Sarah, there was an angel standing behind her, taller than her, maybe 7 feet tall, his wings were fully spread out. I couldn't make out the face of the angel. His head hung low. Like he was sad. His arms were extended at the elbows out towards Sarah and he was holding a black chain with what appeared to be open shackles. Like they were once on Sarah but no longer.

I asked the Holy Spirit what I was seeing. I could feel a strange sadness. The Holy Spirit told me that the enemy attacked Sarah quickly and ferociously. The attack even spread into the spirit realm on her guardian angel. More information came in as I worshipped and asked God for more details. I knew when I get this much download the next step is that the Holy Spirit wants me to go share with the person what was revealed to me.

I became uncomfortable with the notion of having to approach the person I didn't know and share with them what I saw in the spirit realm. Then this dialogue goes on between you and God asking for confirmation. It's soul-ish, but it nearly always happens.

Towards the end of the service, Coy Nix pointed Sarah out in the congregation and started praying for her. What Coy was praying was in tune with what I was shown. So there's my confirmation. I got up out of my seat and walked over to Sarah and prayed for her as Coy and another woman prayed with her. Now was the time to reveal what God showed me. Sometimes I am not always supposed to reveal things. But this was a time to do so and step out.

I told the woman I saw her guardian angel, and that he was holding the shackles he pulled off you. The enemy put them on you during a quick and violent attack. Your guardian angel was weeping because he heard you cry out and he was being attacked too and couldn't get to you. This was a deliberate strike from the enemy. The chains are off you and you're free now.

Sarah just burst out crying as deliverance started with her. I didn't know exactly what the attacks were. But this was the first time I felt supernatural sorrow. I was immersed in it as I shared with Sarah what God showed me. There were details I didn't have, some things the Holy Spirit keeps personal. I do know she needed to hear where her angel was. And it all made sense to her. I and another woman prayed with Sarah a bit longer.

On my 3 hour drive home I prayed and asked God what this incident was all about. I felt violence coming through as an answer and that the Holy Spirit wasn't going to reveal anymore. So I wasn't to pry any further. I did my job, I was to convey the information given.

Why do we see such things? It's all the mystery of the fourth mansion, as St, Teresa Avila, puts it. Its when we step out into the supernatural. Our souls are bound to Jesus and we are allowed to see into the true universe at His discretion and when he bestows this grace to us. All Glory goes to God.

I only document these now because the experiences I had now over 4 years ago are beginning to fade in the volatile memory of my brain. I want to keep these to remember. In Jesus Name. And since this experience is personal, I did change the name of the person in this testimony.


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