Possess the Land...

So Joshua said to the Israelites: "How long will you wait before you begin to take possession of the land that the LORD, the God of your fathers, has given you? - Joshua 18:3

Did you ever wonder what was at your property before your nice new home was constructed? Sure, real estate is all about location location location. But what if your new home is the previous site of the Church of Satan, in the Richmond district in San Francisco.

The Anton LaVey house was demolished in 2001 after it fell into complete disrepair -like everything else Satan touches. The victorian was was built in the 1800's, and when it was destroyed by contractors in 2001. It had roots, that quote, went all the way back to hell. The property reportedly sold for a mere $240,000, for premium real estate in the city.

You wonder what kind of activity is going on in the condos. Hopefully, none.

Defiled land can be repossessed, if you'll excuse the term, just look at the work of King Josiah in 2 Kings, chapter 23. I personally would implement a cleansing and praying over this land before moving into it. The land can be reclaimed and the roots to hell can be removed. The current condo now sells for a $1,000,000. Wow!! Even defiled land is expensive in California!

Defiled land can be reclaimed by God. The important point to remember is not to be over zealous and walk on the land and start praying. A few well minded prayer warriors I know who are inexperienced in these matters will just go to such a site and engage in spiritual warfare. And then end up getting the mojo whammied on them.

You need to follow protocols when reclaiming defiled land. Preferably, seek a team out, like M16 and get assistance in being walked through the process. It takes time and make sure you are fasting (not from TV!!! but a real fast!) for a few days before the fight. Speak with God during your fast and ask Him to reveal to you information you will need in this fight. First and formost ask God if you should be in this fight or someone else should be engaging the enemy. This is spiritual maturity when you talk with God and listen. When you pray during a fight use protocols like you're an Old Testamnet king entering the thrown room of God. You are going before the King of kings, the Lord of lords and asking for resources from the kingdom to engage in battle. Request God's permission to do so. You already have the authority. But you are showing the spirit realm whom you answer to -the God of creation.

Set up intercessors to go into battle with you. Then you need to setup intercessors to intercess for you and your intercessors in battle. This is a battle and it takes an army. The property can be reclaimed! And the enemy does fight back. But they already lost this battle -at the foot of the cross!


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