San Francisco Outreach with Behtel School of Supernatural Minsitry

Tuesday March 09 – Friday March 12, 2010
I had the incredible pleasure of ministering with Mark Neitz ministries and Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM) in the city of San Francisco. In this ministry outreach we stayed in the city in a little church that was local for our base of operations. Days were beautiful but the temperature dropped significantly at night in the church we were staying in. This only covers the events I was a part of. Many other things happened in groups I wasn't working with at the time. This is not completely edited and proofed. I wanted to journal as much as I could before forgetting the events and details. This is the high speed brain dump version to the keyboard. This next week will be hectic and I want to at least download as much as I can while it is all still fresh.

Tuesday Night March 09 2010

We drove the team over to a location in San Francisco to minister with Lions Pride ministries (Jason and Bekah) on the streets near Hippie Hill in the Haight. An incredible time and God's presence was everywhere. We staged the outreach at a local McDonald's central to the neighborhood we would be ministering in.

One of the women on the BSSM, Demeris, started ministering to a homeless man. He had some oppression going on and needed a touch from God. As Demeris focused her attention on the man, another homeless man arrived on the scene and started talking to Demeris. He was rattling off all sorts of Bible quotes that were random. The homeless man identified himself as Legion. Demeris realized these spirits were here to interfere with her ministering to homeless man who needed her attention. As she ignored Legion, it started speaking and mumbling curses at her back. Legion finally walked off and left the team alone.

I left McDonald's with my team, led by Lions Pride team members, Sam and Katie. We proceeded away from McDonald's down Haight. Our first stop was at a corner with some Haight kids. We ministered to these kids for a while it was a good spot and the Holy Spirit was bringing people to us. As we ministered here, a young man crossed the street towards us in a cross walk. I didn't see him at first but Whitney, from BSSM did and told him she saw purity in his eyes. Then he walked off across the street in the other direction. A few minutes later the same individual, George, returned and the Holy Spirit pointed him out to me this time, not knowing Whitney had spoke over the same individual. I heard the words, “healing and creative”. So I gave him those words. He had a jacket on that had design that looked like a contemporary stylistic design from afar, but as you look at it up close, its all demonic.

As I spoke to George, he told me what Whitney said to him earlier and wanted to know what was going on. We told him that God pointed him out to us. He was pretty laid back to that. Considering his clothes were full of satanic symbols. The hood of his jacket had the baphomet on both sides of the hood. The goat skull had an inverted cross on its forehead. It was definitely not something you would find in OC8 stores.


Sam from Lion's Pride asked George if he would like to walk along with us. He thought it would be fun. We headed off down the street and meandered through streets looking for other “lost boys” -Haight kids. George mentioned to Sam his leg was hurting and that he may have to turn back. He said he had a painful limp. Sam offered to pray for healing and George gave it a try. Joanne from BSSM and Sam started praying to grow out his leg. They prayed over George's leg and it grew out on the leg that was out of alignment and shorter (in picture above) Sam gave another member of BSSM, George's gear to carry and offered to carry his burden on the streets while he was out with us.

Our little caravan headed off again after the healing and walked a block to where we found some homeless people. A homeless woman who had obviously been used as the punching bag by her boy friend caught my eye as well as Joanne's and Whitney's. I asked the Holy Spirit for a word of knowledge to get this woman's attention right away so we could pray for her. I heard God mention her name was Rachel. I asked the woman if her name was Rachel, and she said “no, name is Raven.”

Then I had word of knowledge that she gave up on her one big dream and that God told me it wasn't dead. Raven answered, “it's true. Her dream is dead. She wanted a large horse ranch and the dream died.”

One of the men around her got a bit protective as another man was talking with one of their women. I had to put him at ease too as he spoke to us. So I asked the Holy Spirit for information to help us put him at ease with us. The man talked to us and God told me he had 3 children. At the opportune time I chimed in he had 3 kids. He responded, “ya, how did you know that?” Then he told us about his 3 kids. While he talked to us about his kids, God told me to tell him he was raised in a Catholic church. Mike, looked at me funny and corrected me, “Roman Catholic Church, ...are you psychic??”

I answered “No!”. Then Raven looked at me asked me to guess her church background. I and another team member got the word Mormon. I think Whitney or Joanne got the word of knowledge for Mormon too. We were literally tag teaming with the word of knowledge with this individual. With the word of knowledge working favor opened up to us with Raven. At the same time, the natives were getting restless. An individual with Raven was an atheist and he wanted us gone. I told Raven I would pray for her as we walked up the street. Raven wanted to come with us out of ear shot of the atheist to get some prayer. On her own. She wanted to come with us. So now we have Raven and George, the satanist, who witnessed the word of knowledge going on.

We led Raven up the street to pray over her and for some street deliverance. As Whitney, Shauna and I prayed with Raven. Sam, George and Joanne started having some interesting dialogue on what kind of Christians were we.

With Raven we prayed for deliverance over her. Her shoulder pain she blamed on a horse accident. But word of knowledge said it was a wound from being beaten. She continued to defend the man who did it to her. Not much progress there. Our team then focused on restoring the vision of her dream to her. We must have prayed over Raven for a good 10-15 minutes. That's what we were there for people to get touched by God. We blessed Raven and she went back to her friends.

Meanwhile, George and Sam are semi-debating, so Sam pulls me into the frey. George tries to defend the point that Satan and the angels being thrown out of heaven isn't in the Bible and that we're all misguided. I responded with, “a third of the stars were swept out of the sky. Demons! It's in the book of Revelation.”

George was caught off guard, “Oh?”

George takes a moment to think, “Satan isn't really the devil or mentioned in the Bible.”

I respond with, “Jesus says in Luke 10, I saw Satan fall like lightning. Now if you're referring to Lucifer, who is Satan, he was God's most incredible angel, guarded God's thrown (but I meant Glory) and who sinned by trying to over throw God from his own creation. It's in Ezekiel and Isaiah”.

Again, George was caught off guard. “Oh???”

It was a nice friendly debate, nothing brute force. I just wanted to respond to some misguided information he had so he could go off and look it up. Now that he was given facts on where to look.

The attention in the conversation turned to psychics and seeing. We had a great conversation about that.

It started raining on us and our ministry time was wrapping up so we returned back to Mc Donald's our friend George came with us all the way back with us too.

Wednesday Night March 10 2010

On this evening Mark setup a special night ministry with his youth group at Gateway church. It was an incredible and powerful night. The BSSM worship team blew the doors off in worship. I felt like I was at a conference. Other team members gave testimony and a sermonette. After that it was prayer time for healing and being set free, both for the kids and their parents! It was a remarkable night.

Thursday Day and Night March 11 2010

During the afternoon we were back at Hippie Hill in the Haight. I took a team out through the park to walk over to Haight Street. At the far end of the park we stopped and ministered to some people. One man stood out during ministry. One of the BSSM team members had me go speak to him. He was a homeless drug addict who was having dreams and visions. Okay, here is a case load in itself. But he was sincere about the real visions and dreams. So I spoke with him to see if he could prove himself to me on this one. He quoted from the book of Joel and then proceeded to tell me about his dreams. Where I worked to interpret some of the dreams. But extremely careful not to feed any strongholds. Which being homeless he obviously had quite a few. His dreams were revealing his attacks by the enemy on him. I asked the man for his name, since I was starting to get convinced by talking with him he was a seer. And there were points to separate the spiritual seeing from the chemically fabricated. The man told me his name was “Daniel”. Starting to get the feel the man has a Daniel anointing. I spoke with Daniel for some time and he wanted to be baptized. I told him I was a reverend and we could walk over to St. Ignatius and I could baptize him with the Holy water in the church fountain there. His stronghold kicked in and he started babbling he no longer wanted to be baptized. I sensed he was already baptized from the beginning. But giving me an opportunity to use some blessed water may help in some praying. He said no, and then I offered to bless some water in a bottle. He thought about it and then started babbling again. I prayed over him so more and found out he had some dark issues from violence inflicted on him. As I prayed for deliverance, an odd character came over, with sunglasses on and no lenses in the frames, and started praying with us. This guy was odd and I sensed a religious spirit. I quickly blessed Daniel, we hugged and parted, and I gave Daniel contact info for Pastor Evan to contact him.

The BSSM was ministering to other people, some young girls as I finished up with Daniel. The odd little fellow who was praying over Daniel kept vying for my undivided attention so I gave it to him. We were there to share God's love with people. The little odd man kept proclaiming rhymes and love of Jesus. And then he would misquote scripture. It didn't don on me until after a couple of minutes that he wasn't quoting scripture he was quoting the musical “Godspell” from the seventies. My sister had the album when she was a kid and one note or song tipped me off on this. Religious spirits are really weird!!! This guy was behaving like the demonaic fortune teller Paul got tired of and cast out. He walked along with us proclaiming Jesus is Lord but in an irritating way. I am almost positive this is what the fortune teller was doing to Paul. Finally, I said good bye to our odd friend and we walked off into the pan handle.

At 4:00 PM we returned to Hippie Hill. I walked up the hill to report in with Mark Neitz and Joel from BSSM. Mark told me Legion was here on the hill. I asked him where. He tried to show me the general location but we couldn't see him to point him out. Just as we were looking for him, he stood up to make his exit. The spirits could sense we were homing in on them. I proceeded down the hill to go catch up with Legion. Legion stopped at the bottom of the hill to speak to a demon sitting in a tree at Hippie hill. I caught him at the tree as he stopped there and he quit talking to his invisible friend. I leaned with one arm against the tree to talk to the man the spirits were inhabiting. I greeted him and said hi. He looked at me odd, but Legion wasn't manifesting. The spirit who spoke told me it's name was Lord Voldemort. The super evil wizard from Harry Potter. It invited me over to watch some Harry Potter with him, but I picked up in the spirit it wanted get me out of this setting to pound on me. So I thanked him and told him another time, maybe bring my friends along (for a good brawl). Aren't spiritual conversations wonderful? They're on two levels.

Voldemort handed me his drink so he could walk back and get his jacket. I blessed the drink and handed it back to him. He walked off after that.

Thursday Night

Late in the evening, around 9:30 PM we went out on the streets with Pastor Evan of the homeless church. We started in Justin Hermon plaza, then to a freeway overpass where lots of homeless lived and finally to a bus station. While at the bus station I prayed with Gabriel of the BSSM for a little while over a man's leg that was injured in surgery. Gabriel had it covered so I walked on to find other people to minister to.

As I walked away, Adam from the BSSM, asked me to pray over a man named Jeremy. Adam prayed for Jeremy's knee pain to heal. It healed. Then he prayed for Jeremy's arm in a cast. No miracle happened despite the healing in the knee. Adam asked me to pray for Jeremy heart to heal. I didn't understand what Adam asked me at first. I thought physical healing in the heart. At this time I believe Joanne from the BSSM came over to pray too. It surfaced in prayed or something Jeremy had said that he needed to forgive his ex-wife. I walked him through forgiveness prayer of his ex-wife. With all Jeremy's heart he just releases forgiveness in his words as he prayed. As Jeremy did this my hand I am holding over his heart got hot and then his arm got hot. Jeremy is really excited and takes off his cast and his arm was completely healed. He ran through the bus station praising Jesus. Glory goes to God!

As an addendum to this testimony, I spoke with Joanne and she reminded me about the part where Jeremy was so excited of his instant healing, he called his mom right there on his cellphone. His mom answered and he handed the cell phone to Joanne to tell his mother about the miracle that just happened and his instant healing.

After we finished praying in the bus station we went to pray over Pastor Evan and his incredible team of people. While we were doing this a homeless man named James walks over and watches what we're doing. A few people from the BSSM go pray over him and James sticks around to watch us pray. Next thing we're all prophesying over James too. Then Jonathan from BSSM led James through the salvation prayer and James gave his life over to Jesus.

Friday Night Strike is covered in the previous blog.
Our friend Legion slash Lord Voldemort did manage to make an appearance and travel the 5 miles over to visit us at Night Strike. This isn't random if you put it all the pieces together. Demons already know where and when we meet for Night Strike and this isn't the first Legion we have had in the plaza as we start out. They're actually semi-regular. But in different hosts.

We as our team walked to our destination on Friday night for ministry. We did minister to people on the streets. One interesting lady was Diane. We initially walked by Diane when our team was literally stopped in their tracks as we were about to pass her.

I greeted Diane, but she wouldn't give us her name. After I said hi to her and she said hi back, Joanne on our team asked Diane her name. Diane responed, "Putin-tame is my name ask me again and I'll tell you the same." So I asked her again what's her name to play along. Again, putin-tame...

Shauna offered Diane a rose and we got her name. Then we blessed Diane with words of life and a prayer about her that she was like the rose. She burst out into joyful tears. We made her night and she definitely made ours.


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