Christmas Night Strike 2009

We had approximately 80 people participate in this year's Christmas Night Strike. Seven teams were setup and sent out into the city from the UN Plaza. Seven leaders, wow, that's a cool prophetic number, and they were,
1.Jason & Becka
With this many teams going out, and each with ten or more people we had to plan not to saturate the Tenderloin. And Leah's team we had to intentionally keep under ten, just because the nature of the ministry and witnessing to the prostitutes as well as the homeless.

On my team, I had lot's of my family, which was fun. Sue and Jake Wooldridge, my Son Matt and his friend Brandon, Diana Garnhart, and three people from Pleasant Hill, Sean, Havier and Nella. To purposely avoid team congestion I led my team higher up the Tenderloin to O'Farrell. Allowing the two other teams assigned to work the higher and lower part of Bodeker park in the Tenderloin.

On our way up to O'Farrell, we encountered a man named Tony. His aunt and his sister died yesterday. I believe he said it was a car accident. The team prayed for Tony and his grief. While praying God gave me the words, “They're here.” I told Tony that his aunt and sister are saved. He said yes they were. I told him God gave me a picture they were up there in paradise with him. And there's no suffering and no sickness.

It was a good walk to get to O'Farrell and Hyde, but once there we made our right turn onto O'Farrell. About a block down on this street the Holy Spirit led us to a spot where there were numerous people on the streets. Our first stop and we were wiped out of nearly half the provisions of food, socks and blankets we brought with us to hand out.

The Father is still working on me and I am still in a season where some of the Gifts of the Spirit are shutdown. I was experiencing some interesting things were it felt like God was giving me words in the manner as when I first started out a few years ago. One simple word and a picture to work off of nothing more. The body effects are still working so I know when I receive a word. For instance, at this particular place where we were giving out a lot of our goods, I saw a latino woman, she looked Nicaraguan, approach us. God told me she was a Christian. That was all. I looked at her eyes and saw she had the fire of the Holy Spirit in her. I walked over to her and told her that she was a Christian. She answered, “Yes, she has been all her life.” I told her God pointed her out to me and that her eyes were filled with the Holy Spirit. I didn't pray for the woman. We handed her clothes and she walked off. Well, that one was between her and Jesus. I figure God just needed to reveal himself to her and nothing more.

My sister-in-law Sue and my nephew Jake got to break in their prayer warrior skills here. There were lots of people to pray for.

One woman flat out asked us to pray for deliverance for her from addiction. So the team obliged.

Some of the team members had wrapped up gifts to hand out on the streets to people. One team member brought a nice jacket and gave it to a needy woman. She was touched by it. Although, an hour later she traded it for a dime (a $10 crack hit). We encountered her again and God revealed her sin as to what happened with the jacket.

From our nice sweet spot we moved across the street where there was a large congregation of people sitting along the streets. We handed out more presents, fortunately, we had lots of blankets with us. People who didn't receive presents were getting restless. Smooth man Brandon stepped up and said his blankets were presents and he was sorry he didn't have time to wrap them. Situation under control.

While I was keeping an eye on the team here, there were lots of people to minister to, God pointed out a woman to me, Linda. God tugged at my spirit, but no words. I took my sister-in-law Sue over with me to pray for Linda. She had a crack addiction and the demons were struggling inside of her. It was the typical struggle where the person wants prayer but at the same time the demons want you to leave -NOW!

Sue and I prayed for Linda. God revealed the word rejection and nothing more. I knew how to roll on that one. So I prayed against the rejection. While praying for Linda, I noticed all the people we were praying for were leaning against the wall of a massive building. With columns like a temple. God gave me a picture of chains coming out of the building and attached to the people outside. You could feel the bondage here at this site. I looked at the building and it was big, Church of Christian Science building. A cult building, or the first picture, a religious spirit demonic temple. Interesting.

The natives at this site were great full for our visit but (their demons of addiction) were getting restless. So we moved on down past Taylor and O'Farrell. We ministered and prayed over many people, even though we were out of provisions to hand out.

It was a really blessed even ministering to God's people. The Gifts were slowly working like they were in infancy. But I am just glad to see where the Father is going with all this.

After Night Strike was finishing up. I walked over to talk with Becca Amarant on how her night went. I got a picture of her walking in authority as she was talking to her friend Katie. Then I got the word of 'birthing'. I didn't get the whole picture but, Becca, I got the sense of the people you were out with tonight, both you and Jason, this was the birthing. Or the building of the Lions Pride ministry. Your flock!

Well, that's all the time I have. Fellow participants, contribute to this thread. Miracles happened. Honor God and recorded them in this discussion. Merry Christmas 2009!


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