Farewell to 2009

Well, it's hard to believe, but this is the last day of 2009!
And what a year it has been! All the Glory goes to God for these incredible spiritual warfare battles that were fought and won. M16 Ministries has witnessed amazing physical healings, inner healings, and deliverance from demonic oppression and possession.

It's been amazing, the amount of miracles God let our ministry witness and pray for. The M16 Ministry intercessor team has proved themselves time and time again in spiritual warfare. The team went to battle this summer a prayed for the deliverance of a young man whose will was completely compromised by the enemy. Now he is set free. People with spiritual attacks at night, who experienced them for years are now sleeping. Spirits of fear walking peoples homes have been evicted. And the people in the homes have been trained to fight. Houses with demonic activity were given peace by the authority of Jesus Christ.

We thank God for all the protection he has given us through this year.

Our best complement for 2009 came from an evil spirit, "why did you have to tell him about us?!"

Every battle M16 engaged in was against insurmountable odds. Which we like - because then only God can resolve the problem. That's called a miracle!

We have heard incredible testimonies from the people we have trained in our classes. They are now out in the field delivering the captives.

The year 2009 is also the year we put together our first book, The Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare, 300 pages. It is currently in the hands of a publisher. We will release more information soon on this exciting project.

We thank Jesus for the incredible healings we witnessed in 2009. All the Glory goes to the God almighty.

We are very excited for what God has in store for our ministry in 2010.


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