Who Ya Gonna Call?

Now I am about to open a whole can of worms and turn your Ghost Hunting world upside down. America and the world is captivated by the paranormal reality shows on television. We don't have to go farther than the Syfy channel web site or hulu to see evidence of spirit activity streaming to our very own computer. If you are a Christian and part of a ghost hunting or paranormal organization, it is time to listen up. There is no such thing as a human spirit ghost! Casper is a demon!

When you are taking an evp on your digital voice recorder, you are recording demons! The digital voice recorder is the new ouji board. What you are capturing are demonic voices.

When Jesus completed His work on the cross, the deceased either go to Heaven or Hell. End of story. There are no lingering “human” spirits roaming the earth seeking to be set free and sent towards the light. Jesus is perfect, He doesn't make mistakes and leave people behind for someone with a video camera and a K2 meter to set the "ghost" spirit free.

There was a commercial some time back on the “then” Sci Fi channel, promoting the movie, Hellboy 2, Hellboy meets the Ghost Hunters, a funny commercial.


Hellboy: “What do you guys do again?”
Grant (TAPS): “We capture ghosts.”
Hellboy: “That's what I do! You know fighting huge monsters, fate of the world hanging in the balance and millions of lives at stake. Is that what you guys do to?"
...crickets chirping sound effects. Gran and Jason look at each other perplexed...
Jason (Taps): “No. ..actually we just video tape them."
...crickets chirping Hellboy looks disappointed...
Hellboy. “Oh...”

This ad sums up our M16 Ministries experience. We have been called in to eradicate demonic spirits, long after ghost hunter teams have come in and setup toys, video taped and left a site with demonic activity. We don't get called by ghost hunter groups ---EVER!!! We get called by frantic people who were left behind by ghost hunters who knew all about technical equipment and not an ounce of REAL knowledge on true spiritual warfare. Many times ghost hunters have mediums that make the situations worse. These are not ghosts that the psychics are channeling, these are demons. Demons don't have bodies but they desire to find bodies to dwell in. The psychics are channeling the demonic realm. End of story.

 43"When an evil spirit comes out of a man, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Matthew 12:43

We have even assisted ghost hunters who picked up demonic hitch hikers during their own investigations. What is being broadcast on television is a lie. If you have a situation where demonic oppression or possession is occurring, you don't want ghost hunters. They won't help you. They are not trained to deal with the demonic. Some ghost hunting and paranormal teams even have their own exorcists. BEWARE. If you did not go through the Roman Catholic dioceses, then you don't have a real exorcist on the scene of your already enormous problem. Take note too, that there are Catholic churches not associated with the Roman Catholic Church. Likewise, ghost hunters are not demonologists. They quote many interesting things about demons and the demonic realm, but the information they have is wrong. When you have a charlatan exorcist, a wiccan and a psychic on premises of a place of demonic activity, you now have a bigger problem. You now have a powder keg.

We have assisted people in many battles of spiritual warfare this year, and have seen many healings, to the Glory of God, from demonic oppression. Through the two cases of demonic possession our ministry worked on this year – and note there is a difference between demonic possession and demonic oppression. One person was set free from their prison of demonic possession because they accepted Jesus Christ into their life and the ministry team then had the authority to kick out demons. The other person, was a practicing psychic, who refused to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior, even though our team entered their home and the Holy Spirit brought them peace. The psychic continued to channel and ignore our warnings, the demons came back harder and now the person was being tormented by the legion. This person we were assisting knew very little about the Christian faith. They didn't know that the legion was a group of demons. A psychic gift is a high jacked spiritual gift. Our team works in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Time and time again our team has bested the enemy's sorcerers.

If you are in a situation where people are being harmed and there is definitive demonic activity. Don't call the local ghost hunters. Call an experienced deliverance team! Call on Jesus! And if you're a Christian -who thinks you're a psychic because of what you have seen on TV, contact us. You may have a gift of the Holy Spirit developing and Satan is steering you in the WRONG direction.


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