Night Strike Friday December 4, 2009

The one thing that keeps me coming back to Night Strike is that it's never the same night twice on these Holy Spirit expeditions into the city. What made this particular Night Strike evening more interesting to me is the that I am going through a season right now with God. The prophetic and the words of knowledge are turned off. The Father loves for us to seek him and not the gifts. Right now God has me in a seeking season, which is pretty cool. It's weird not having the transmissions. It's like turning the dial on the radio tuner and there isn't even static noise. God was with us the whole night and revealed himself to the people we encountered.

I hardly ever get to work with team leader Ellen, from Vacaville. So we paired our teams up together. Ellen brought 7 people. I sent 3 of Ellen's people out with birthday boy, Bill. I merged Ellen, and the rest of her team, Jennifer, Jay, and Matt, with my son Matt, and there was Tom and his friend Samantha. Tom and Sam brought bags of beanies, scarves and gloves from a Ross clothes sale. These items were a big hit. Ellen's crew brought sandwiches, candy bars (Snickers!) and juice bags. My son Matt and i brought ham sandwiches from the two loaves of bread we bought earlier in the day.

We were going to head up to the higher section of Bodecker Park in the Tenderloin District. But the Spirit told me to detour via Market Street to get there. I had one individual who wasn't used to moving in the Spirit. They were getting upset with me off the bat at my navigational mannerisms. "Are we supposed to go to the Tenderloin, that way?" I heard it on more than one occasion this evening. My prophetic and word of knowledge may be shutdown, but the GPS (God Positioning System - Leah's acronym) was working fine. So I took to the Tenderloin via Market Street.

One of the early people we encountered for a divine appointment was a woman, named Florence. The word of knowledge processors were trying to pull something down. I got a fragment of, has a young daughter she watches. Florence had a granddaughter she watches. The antenna still wasn't working for me. So I asked if we could pray over Florence and she let us. Then she asked if she could pray for us back. TRAINING time! My discernment isn't shutdown. Florence raises her hand to pray over my hand and my face. For you Star Trek fans, I was polarizing the hull plating. Shields up!! She started chanting some shaman stuff and I prayed to bind it. I think her spirits sensed it and moved on to my son Matt. I slipped over to Ellen and told her to start binding, this is demonic. It was a cool training session because we encounter witchcraft all the time on the streets. And unfortunately, it will go home with team members. So we bound the witchcraft and cancelled the assignments and I talked with Ellen about cleaning off the team again in prayer when we finish the evening. There will be more muck on us. What was cool was that I was able to teach some of the members their discernment. Before I explained to the rest what had happened, I asked them if they felt anything. A majority of them felt their own spiritual armor giving them an alert signal. Then I explained what happened with the fun, crazy, chanting lady.

There was a lot of spiritual activity on the streets. The next man we encountered on the streets had some spiritual stuff going on where he was babbling insensibly. Tom and Sam gave him a beanie and gloves and we all divvied out food from our provisions to him. Then we continued on in our divine appointment search. God kept me on Market, despite being reminded once again we were supposed to go to the Tenderloin. God stamped the request denied and sent us deeper down Market. What I was receiving from God was that there was more lost on the streets tonight and that he wanted to reach the homeless as well as the Holiday shoppers. So I stayed on course with the GPS. We went one block past the Cable car turntable on Market and headed up the street.

There was lots of hustle and bustle of Holiday shoppers. I was getting the signal to minister to people on these streets and then head over to the Tenderloin. Doesn't matter if they're homeless or they are making a decent income. God wanted to reach his people. We ministered to a lot of pan handlers on our walk. We were headed toward the St. Francis Hotel and Macy's. One block prior I was stopped by a young man and his friend, on O'Farrell Street. He wanted me to give him directions to a strip club nearby. I told him sure, but first I get to pray for him.

He said, "Oh great. Christians!" I told him I knew of a strip club in the area. But I wouldn't tell him where it was unless I got to pray for him first. He said forget it. I said, everyone else here is a tourist. I know where a strip club is nearby. Can I pray for you. He was giving me a very hesitant look. "My dad is a pastor.", he said. I told him that's okay. "Then you know I am telling you the truth. I know where a strip club is and I will only tell you if I can pray for you." He reluctantly allowed me to pray for him. I got in close to him and prayed to bind the spirits of perversion and prayed for the Holy Spirit to be with him and reveal things to him. Then I put my hand on his friend and blessed him for the same blessing. Then I told them there was a strip club near the corner of O'Farrell and Polk. Off they went. I hope they didn't spend too much on the cover charge.

On the corner of St Francis we met Ramone, who was waiting for a bus. Ramone let us pray over him. He had a guitar in a bag with him, so I prayed that God would release some new music to him and give him dreams to write music. Ramone commented that he was actually writing a new song earlier in the day. Matt, from Vacaville, jumped in and gave Ramone some good prophetic word. Matt was doing a great job at giving people prophetic word so I didn't feel too badly that I wasn't receiving anything.

I turned the team around to head to the Tenderloin, when we stopped on the other side of the street of the St. Francis and met some more homeless pan handlers. There was an older woman, a woman, a man and a dog. We spent some time ministering with these people. I stepped away so I didn't get their names. My discernment radar was going off. Somewhere in the hustle and bustle of the Christmas shoppers on the street, there was something setting off the old spidey sense. I never saw or tuned into what it was. It was strong though.

We encountered another pan handler, less than a block down from the other people. This was a woman, Jennifer, 75 years old, homeless. The economy forced her on the streets. So we gave her food. I tried to engage the ol' word of knowledge for this dear lady. But I got nothing. So I let the team work with her. The GPS was working for us. Many times people come out to Night Strike with a preconceived notion on "we're going to the Tenderloin" and if the Holy Spirit deviates, the person gets irritated. In Night Strike we can't put God in a box. Sure God led us to the St. Francis. In all my 3 years of leading, it was the first time God brought me to this location. But we impacted people and touched people's lives. The pastor's son and his friend who were going to the strip club, I know that pastor's prayer were answered. If I went into the Tenderloin like a robot I would have missed all this. Not to mention Ramone, jennifer, the people with the dog, those were also divine appointments. Sorry, I had one of those nights where someone on my team kept reminding me I am SUPPOSED to go to the Tenderloin.

Around 10:00. We arrived at the Tenderloin. Which was pretty much quiet. There wasn't the usual flock of people on the streets. We ministered to people there, but all the women I usually see and minister to on the streets weren't out this evening. I decided to extend the trek in the Tenderloin at 10:30 PM because we had a lot of clothes left to give away. Tom and Sam brought a lot of clothes, gloves and beanies to bless people with. So I turned right on Hyde to go up, instead of turning left to head back to the UN Plaza.

Around Hyde and Ellis, we encountered a man and a woman. The woman was the right height to receive some of Sam's clothes. Sam blessed her with the items. I turned to her friend, the man, he told me his name was Clinton. I asked him if I could pray for him. Clinton said yes. His wife just died and he was grieving. I asked him if I could lay my hands on him. He said it would be okay. So I layed hands on Clinton and prayed for a healthy grieving process. As I was finishing praying I asked the Holy Spirit to come on Clinton. He started shaking and asked me what was that?

I told Clinton I asked the Holy Spirit to come down on him. He was shaking an exhilarated! He asked me to pray like that over him again. I wanted to work with team leader Ellen so I called her over to help me give some of the Holy Spirit to Clinton, again. We both prayed and Clinton yelled out with excitement. Clinton stepped away from us excited and asked me if that was a drug. We told him it was the Holy Spirit. He wanted more. So Clinton stepped back over to Ellen and I and we juiced him up with the GOoD stuff!

I asked Clinton if he knew who Jesus was. He said he had heard of him. But he wanted to know what whacked him. I told him it was the Holy Spirit. If he wanted to experience more of that he should ask Jesus into his heart. Clinton wanted more! So I invited Matt, from Vacaville, over to lead Clinton in prayer and accept Jesus into his heart.

Clinton begged us to Spirit fill him one more time before we left. I gave Clinton my battle Bible (yep, another battle Bible gone, I think God just wants me to break them in first) and told him to read the book of Acts. Clinton wanted to follow us home. He was given the good wine!

It was getting late and I took the team back to the UN Plaza. We prayed for the Holy Spirit to continue his work on the people on the streets we encountered. We also prayed to clean ourselves off completely of all the strange spirits we encountered on this evening. We had a great team and it was a blast! --as usual. I think the most fun on these nights is when two team leaders get to work together. It's fun getting to know the other people on the Night Strike team.

I had a great talk with Bob Johnson, too afterwards, on going through spiritual seasons.


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